This has been a shit morning.

Apr 20, 2010 11:42

6:15am. Woken by cat AGAIN. Cat wants inside. Not outside, as may be expected if she needed to pee or something. INSIDE.

6:30am. Phone rings. I get up, but don't get there in time. No message.

6:32am. Phone rings. I get there in time. It's my Aunt(?) and Grandmother in South Africa. Apparently my Uncle has died unexpectedly. (I'm not sure how. I didn't ask. She was pretty upset.) I honestly don't feel a terrific amount one way or the other, having only met the man once. I sympathise with my grandmother and Aunt though, my mother died in 2005 and they were both definitely too young.

6:42am. Back to sleeeep.

9:15am. Up again. I need Dad's keys, so I go into their room to get them. (They're away up in Brisbane at the moment.) Cat. Hair. Everywhere. Great huge tufts of it. CAT SHIT. On the carpet, and smeared on their dresser. CAT URINE. All over their windowsill. Cat. Looking timid.

Cat flees the scene of the crime.

I clean up the shit and vaccuum the hair, but I'm not quite sure if there's something in particular I ought to do for the urine, since I know the smell can hang around for ages. I am no expert in cleaning things, obviously. Anne advises hot water and detergent until she gets back tonight. I liberally sponge the area with water.

I go to check the kitty litter in the laundry. Clean as a whistle. Cat was clearly distressed for some reason. Maybe she misses Dad.

Uni Assignment: 0% completion. Due date: Friday. Me: Frustrated.



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