+ Ok, if you haven't seen A Very Potter Musical by now, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?
Check out the YouTube Channel
HERE and start from Act 1 Scene 1 (obviously). :D
When you discover that you love it (which you WILL), then you can download all the parts of the show as a single .avi
bigmamag's Journal. :D
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Thanks for the links. They will be thoroughly abused once I get some downloadage back. :) I was listening to an audiobook today wishing the boys had done something similar.
Occupation: Author of the book "Living With Awesome People; A Journey into the Lives of Seven Heavily Impregnated People and a Manwhore" LMAO ILU!!!
Hooray! LOL aww everyone's got no downloads left! :(
Hahaha Mandara came up with that! Though it was a while ago so she said 4, but I counted and now it's seven, lmao.
Is the AVPM avi decent quality? As in better than youtube.
It's basically the YouTube videos all joined together. I think that's the only footage that exists online? Only version I've seen, anyway. But the frame size IS bigger than the videos I ripped from YouTube, so the .avi is definitely easier to watch on both counts.
Oh ok. I thought it might have been something put up by the people who made it. That's still pretty cool though. I'd very much like to have them in joined up avi form. :)
Do you use one of those random lj icon add-ons?
No, I think the YouTube videos are the best footage they've got. It's handy to have them all in one part, though! :D
I don't, actually. But when I do select icons, I generally just scroll arbitrarily and pick one rather randomly, unless there's one in particular I want to use. The ones at the top tend to get more use though, I think. :) Here's one I haven't used at all until now!
Oh, it's pretty! One of these days when I actually pay off some proportion of my credit card, I am going to buy myself a paid account. Scrolling through icons sounds like such a luxury.
The thing is, I didn't even really like that dress that much! Like, it looks good on Morgana cos everything does, but I didn't think it was her best one - but her shoulder just looks gorgeous in that icon, lol.
Hahah I don't have a credit card - I don't think it would be a good plan for me, lol. I'm avoiding it for the time being.
It wasn't all that great, no. I did like her little stick-on jewel thing though. That was cute.
I didn't have one till I went away. I'm very very glad I stuck with one with a $2000 limit though. I'd hate to be in any more debt than that. I plan to pay it off completely as soon as I get a job.
It really didn't enhance her best features. :/
Good plan!
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