many of you remember a little LJ entry entitled Long Story Short. it was not behind the friends filter, and dealt with Logogate 2006. No? Scroll down.
so last night i get a call from rachael, who randomly found this little gem:
the freeconomics of freemium logos.
i hate to sound like a broken record, but... say whaaaaaaat!?
i have no idea who is running Design Ninjas, or why they're reading the few and far between public entries on here. i especially like the phrase "Alexholic told a sad tale:", like i was a concentration camp survivor.
either way, Design Ninja people, thanks. i'm flattered, though i don't know who you are.
also, when i meet new people i'm going to say, "Hi, i'm alex... perhaps you know me from Design Ninjas? Yeah, that was me."
also, i'm not sure if i open up some sort of internet worm hole by linking to a page that was linking to me in the first place. i'm going to rewatch the Back to the Future trilogy to check.