Five Days 'til Christmas

Dec 21, 2012 23:05

Title: Five Days 'til Christmas
Series: Christmas Countdown
Part: 6 of 10; 5 days 'til Christmas
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth/Jack Barakat
Author alexgokart
Rating: NC-17
Summary "With five days 'til Christmas my sexy boyfriend gave to me..."
Warning: Food play and rimjobs.
A/N This is over a day late which means the posts are going to be all out-of-whack with the dates counting down to Christmas and the only reason I'm posting this is because have to get it posted before tomorrow so it's not two days late but I absolutely hate it and I'm just really angry at myself and everything right now. Let's pretend this day never happened and that the series isn't totally ruined, okay? Urgh. I'm sorry if not everything is up by Christmas guys, but hey, maybe I'm in sync with some of you yanks now Also! If anything seems weird or not quite right on this page, it's because LJ is being a shit to me. Just let me know and I'll get it fixed up. Thank you livejournal, just when I didn't think I could be in a shitter mood. Argh. I need sleep.

Previous Parts

If Alex heard the words ‘code blue’ again today, he swore he might scream.

Not because he didn’t want to be sprinting on sore feet to a hospital room that lay somewhere at the end of a maze of busy hallways and sharp turns, not because he was guzzling down his forth cup of coffee just to keep his body from shutting down at any given moment, and not even because he was finally getting a rest in this hectic day.

It was because those two little words downright terrified him.

He’d always thought the affect would dull down after time, repetition numbing his nerves to nothing, but now he doubted he’d ever stop getting that sick feeling in his stomach whenever someone’s life was in critical danger, and there was no way that burning in the back of his throat would ever subside whenever he lost one of his patients.

Alex had always thought he was good with death - he’d lost family members and friends before, and although it had hit him hard, he’d always found his way through; seen the light at the end of the tunnel. He hadn’t let those dark, heavy feelings hold him back in life. It was with a mixture of that, and watching paramedics revive his father at the tender age of seven that had made him strive to be a doctor. He’d sworn to himself back then, when his father came home to live to this very day, that he would do the same for other people. It was like being a real life superhero, saving lives from villains that attacked their bodies from the inside out.

Except in real life, the superhero didn’t always rescue the innocent soul in need. Sometimes the antagonist was just far too strong for him to fight, there just wasn’t enough time. Sometimes that little girl he sent away into the operating rooms with a promise of being there when she came out didn’t survive surgery, and Alex was stuck clutching the doll she’d left behind in her bed with glossy eyes. Feeling his heart break for the millionth time over.

Alex’s career took a much bigger toll on him than he liked to let on. Sure, everybody knew how much it tired him out, how he’d been literally ripping his hair out through his years of study and was killing himself with this first year of training. But they didn’t see the way it was breaking him down inside, making him envision death at every corner and haunting the depths of his mind with things he could have done, calls he could have made, brewing up ways of how it was all his fault. But in some sick, twisted way, that was somewhat of a blessing; it made Alex cherish his moments, made him realise just how fragile life was and how he needed to take his chances while he still could. Age wasn’t a factor of how much longer you had to live, he knew that for sure now.

That was just one of the many reasons he adored having Jack waiting for him at home. It made Alex feel like he was really doing something right in life, that he wasn’t wasting his precious time. Those hopeless feelings - he tried to leave them behind him at work, to worry about them there and not bring them into the home he’d made for himself, because those were the kinds of emotions that developed into problems; alcoholics, shattered families, divorce.

Alex could never allow himself to fall into that sad cliché, couldn’t bare the thought of losing Jack over it. No, he wouldn’t become one of those people, so no matter how bad his day, he left it behind, put on a smile and went home to cherish what he had. And little to Jack’s knowledge, when Alex returned home with that little broken heart in his chest, the brunet was the one that mended it. He fixed him every single night. Jack meant so much more to Alex than he’d ever know, and no amount of I love you’s could ever express just how much.

Without Jack, Alex would be nothing less than broken.


When Alex stomped off the snow stuck to his shoes on the woven doormat by their front door at five o’clock that evening, it was clear that Jack was in no way expecting his early arrival home. Something had gone wrong in the planning of the intern’s shifts, and thanks to the easy mistake Alex had been let out early, expecting to come home to a lively Jack. Instead, he found the younger boy stretched out across the couch, lanky legs dangling off the end, fast asleep as the familiar menu music of Home Alone 2 played repetitively on the television. If Jack had been awake, he would have sworn he’d been working hard around the house all day and he’d only sat down for a moment, but the empty glasses littering the coffee table and the clearly undusted living room told Alex far otherwise. Obviously he’d interrupted Jack’s plans of a quick, last minute clean - not that he really believed Jack in the first place.

Despite the fact Jack looked lazier than a sloth right now and the noises he was making through his wide gaping mouth were not appealing in the slightest, sounding more like a suffocating pig than a sleeping human, Alex still had to smile fondly at the lump he called a boyfriend. He was adorable; even with the saliva drooling from his mouth onto one of the couch cushions.

Other than Jacks snoring, the house was the picture perfect scene of cosiness; the Christmas tree twinkling brightly beside a roaring fire spewing heat from their fireplace, layers of snow frosting the windowsills behind heavy drapes that kept out what little sun was setting outside, a bundle of blankets slipping off Jack’s middle to the floor. It was such a Kodak definition of the winter holidays, and now all Alex really wanted to do was grab a few of his fresh gingerbread men cookies and snuggle down beside Jack, maybe even watch Home Alone on his own free will for once, since it was a Christmas movie that should only be played in December. Yeah right, try telling Jack that.

But Alex was downright appalled to walk into his kitchen and find the rack completely bare of the gingerbread he’d just made yesterday. They’d all been right here when he’d left for work that morning, decorated with Santa suits piped from coloured icing, M&M buttons running down their fronts, one of them had even had a candy dick made from musk sticks and raspberry jubes (that was the one Alex had let Jack decorate, obviously). Surely Jack couldn’t have eaten them all, could he? Alex had made close to twenty to last them ‘til Christmas eve. There was no way one skinny boy could have devoured that many without leaving some for Alex.

But judging by the sea of crumbs coating the front of Jack’s shirt, it turned out he could have.

“Dammit, Jack!” Alex whisper-yelled at the sleeping boy, and yeah, it really wasn’t that unbelievable that Jack would do something like this. He’d done it before with Alex’s lemon slice, and then his chocolate ripple cake, so of course he’d do it to his gingerbread. According to Jack, Alex was supposed to take it as a compliment because they were apparently ‘too good not to eat’, but he struggled to do so when he hadn’t even got a taste of his own baking.

With an irritated huff, Alex made his way back into the kitchen, pulling open the fridge instead. Maybe he’d make himself a hot chocolate and throw in some ginger and cinnamon to get rid of his craving, because he definitely didn’t want to bake another batch to hide for himself just yet. And what was a hot chocolate without mountains of whipped cream, he thought as he grabbed the can from the second shelf with no real consideration or care to the fact his metabolism couldn’t really handle this stuff like it did when he was a teenager, or like Jack’s could. Whatever, he’d totally make a cute chubby gay guy anyway, so Alex merely brought the squirty nozzle up to his mouth with a shrug.

Except nothing but flecks of cream came out of the bottle he’d bought only days ago.

“Oh, for fuck-“ Alex tossed the empty can down onto the bench, throwing his hands up in the air because his boyfriend had been off work for not even three days and he’d already eaten the fucking house out. God, he could strangle Jack sometimes.

The younger boy chose that very dangerous moment to stir from his slumber and stagger into the kitchen, eyes droopy with recent sleep and smile lopsided as he brushed the evidence off his chest, onto the floor he was supposed to have vacuumed.

“Hey, babe.” He croaked, ebony hair a mess “You’re home early.”

“Is there anything in this damn house that you haven’t eaten?” Alex bypassed a greeting entirely, giving Jack an annoyed look, complete with hands perched on his hips like a disapproving mother.

Jack simply blinked back with a blank stare, finger pointing to the kitchen table. “There’s a whole bowl of fruit right over-“

“Jack, I’m a stressed out, sleep deprived doctor, I don’t want fruit, I want fattening food. Like cookies and whipped cream, for an example.”

“Oh.” The realisation dawned on Jack’s face at why Alex seemed so bitter “Yeah, about that…just so you know the gingerbread was amazing.”

“Oh, thanks.” Alex rolled his eyes sarcastically, feeling his snappy mood start to slip away at the guilty look on Jack’s face. No, he couldn’t start getting soft now, there was no way Jack could make him feel bad about this, no don’t start pouting.

“I’m sorry, but they were yummy.” Jack apologised with wide eyes and twiddling fingers that made him look like a toddler, and that was enough to melt Alex’s anger, but it also sparked an idea in the back of his mind.

“It’s fine.” Alex sighed, shaking his head as he tossed the empty can of whipped cream into the bin - why had it even still been in the fridge? Alex would never truly understand Jack’s mind. “I’m just gonna duck down to the store and get another can before it closes, I’ll be back in ten.”

“Okay.” Jack smiled widely, knowing he was off the hook because Alex could never resist his puppy dog eyes “I’m gonna go have a quick shower and then I’ll start on getting you dinner ready, yeah? I looked up how to make pumpkin soup today.”

“Sounds good.” Alex cracked a smile, leaning up on his toes to peck his boyfriends’ lips sweetly. They tasted like sugar. “I sure hope you’re hungry though.”

And with a smirk that had Jack feeling utterly confused, Alex was grabbing his heavy coat and leaving for the row of shops down the street.


When Jack said he was going to have a quick shower, the definition seemed to have been lost in translation somewhere between English and Jack-speak. No shower is ever quick when it comes to the brunet, but he hadn’t made the water run cold this time, so he supposed it was close enough. The entire bathroom was fogged up with steam when Jack did finally step out of the warm haven, the chill still shocking his soaking body despite the heat lights he’d turned on. This was one of the harder tasks in life; getting from that watery warmth over to the fluffy towel folded neatly on the bench.

As Jack’s hands made fast work of unfolding the fuzzy material to wrap it around his body, he didn’t miss the flutter of a baby blue piece of paper as it fell from between the creases to the bathroom floor. Evidence that a sneaky Alex was home, and had crept into the bathroom silently as Jack had been showering to hide today’s little clue. Jack swore that man must have been a fucking cat in his past life with how sly he could be.

Jack picked the little note up off the tiles, his wet hair dripping little patters onto the flimsy paper, but the curve of Alex’s handwriting was still easy enough for Jack to understand with a grin of anticipation.

With five days til Christmas my sexy boyfriend gave to me: five Christmas condiments

And for once, Jack wasn’t reeling with excitement, because - what? He didn’t even understand what that was supposed to mean, though he supposed he wouldn’t be waiting all that long to find out. But any wait for sex was a wait too long in Jack’s books, so the brunet hurriedly dried himself off and tugged on his clean clothes, not even bothering to blow-dry his hair and just giving it a half-assed rub with the towel. Who cares, judging by the last few times, whatever Alex had planned would mess it up beyond repair anyway.

Jack all but ran down the carpeted stairs that led straight into the living room, socked feet eager to find his boyfriend within the house, but it turned out he didn’t have to look far. His legs almost buckled with such an abrupt stop when his eyes landed on Alex, only a few feet away, but Jack was far too shocked to make a move across the small path between them.


It was the best Jack’s broken voice and heavy tongue could manage, eyes wide in wonder like a child who’d just caught fucking Santa leaving them a new toy. Although this was a hell of a lot better than any other present Jack could wish for, because there was Alex, laid out on the coffee table he was supposed to have cleared in just a pair of tight, low riding jeans. But that wasn’t quite what had Jack choking on his own tongue - it was the streaks of whipped cream sprayed over Alex’s lower stomach. The same sweet, sticky cream the elder was running his fingers through, smearing it down to the waistband that was so low, Jack could almost see the base of his cock.

“Hey there, Jacky.” Alex smirked, bringing his cream-coated fingers to his mouth and sucking it off sensually. If Jack wasn’t getting ideas that sent blood rushing to his cock before, he sure was now. “Have a nice shower?”

“I, um…” Jack cleared his throat with no real response on his lips. All he wanted to do was lick the cream off all that supple skin, bite at those sweet hipbones, make Alex gasp.

“So, I was thinking,” the elder paced his words slow, seductive “Since you liked eating my sweets so much, I thought I’d turn it around to my advantage.”

That was when Jack noticed the line of jars and bottles propped up beside Alex, and although they were on clear display, could you really blame Jack for missing them when Alex looked like that? No, but now that he had seen them, Alex’s note made a hell of a lot more sense.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” Alex urged, picking up the new can of whipped cream, spraying a line right down the center of his chest. “Dessert’s ready.”

Jack didn’t even recall setting his feet back into motion until he was dropping down to his knees at the end of the coffee table, hovering over Alex’s bare torso between his spread legs and bent knees. And fuck, he looked even better from this angle, hair all tousled and spread out on the glass beneath his head, honey eyes boring up into Jack’s in waiting, skin singing to be touched, licked, sucked, and who was Jack to deny it of that?

Alex gasped as Jack’s hot tongue made contact with the milky skin beneath his belly-button, goosebumps prickling up his arms at the soft moan that escaped Jack’s throat and trembled through him. Jack licked a clean stripe right up the trail he’d left, lapping at the cream all the way up Alex’s chest, sucking sensitive spots as to not leave a drop. Alex’s eyes fluttered closed, body marvelling at the way Jack’s mouth cleaned him up, teeth scraping all the way back down again.

Jack hummed as the sweetness on his tastebuds met that of Alex’s skin, and he’d never thought the older boy could have tasted any better than he already did, but this was a mix he could not resist.

Jack snatched up the can from where Alex had left it on its side, making sure Alex was watching closely as he shook it slowly, teasingly, before squirting a line down the curve of Alex’s neck. His hungry mouth followed suit, enticing a pleasured whine from inside as he sucked hard at the blotching skin, the point of his tongue swirling as Alex’s head tipped to the side to give him more, and if Jack had thought whipped cream had tasted good on gingerbread, this tasted like heaven.

It was like Alex’s torso was made for Jack’s tongue; the gentle outline of his ribs defined just enough to dance between, dark nipples the perfect perk to suck and flick, the V of his hips the deepest of grooves. And all of it covered in cream - Alex was like a rich dessert served on a silver platter. One that brought pleasure to both your mouth and ears, with the sharp huffs and needy whimpers that spilled from his lips.

The elder’s pupils were blown wide and swimming with lust when Jack eventually pulled away, drinking in the sight of him swiping the last off the cream off his lips in one quick motion that had Alex’s pants tightening. Jack’s eyes darted from Alex’s parted, pink lips, pouted in a subconscious cry to be kissed, to the row of unused condiments beside him.

“You taste so good all covered in cream.” Jack muttered huskily, tracing the plastic nozzle across Alex’s throat without pressing, instead letting the can slip down onto the table beneath him. “But let’s see how well you go with chocolate.”

Alex lay silent, breathless and compliant as Jack grabbed the small jar of Nutella, and he’d known it would only be so long before Jack was reaching for the chocolate-hazelnut spread. It was his weakness; he could eat an entire jar just like that, but just imagine how much more he’d enjoy it off Alex’s body, anywhere he wished.

Jack unscrewed the cap to the dark, thick spread inside, dipping in his finger and swirling it through the creamy chocolate, before scooping out a large dollop. As it neared Alex’s mouth, the elder parted his lips willingly, but Jack halted him with a shake of the head.

“Nuh-uh, this isn’t for you. Close your greedy mouth.”

Despite the irony Alex did so, sealing them in a thin line, only for the Nutella to smear across his bottom lip with a swipe of Jack’s finger. Alex’s eyes followed the motion of his lips, and then another pair was pressing tight against them, Jack’s tongue immediately slipping into the kiss to lap up the mouth-watering flavour lingering between them. Alex could taste the smoothness of it on Jack’s tongue, moaning at the way the younger sucked and nipped off the remains, pulling out his lower lip with clenched teeth.

“Mmm, it definitely tastes much better on you.” Jack mused against Alex’s lips. His hands mapped down Alex’s sticky torso, palms finding sharp hipbones and index fingers slipping into the belt-loops on his jeans, tugging suggestively “But I bet it’d taste even nicer off…other parts.”

Alex’s hips arched more than willingly as Jack tugged the denim down his legs, discarding the unnecessary clothing to the side and discovering that Alex hadn’t even been wearing anything underneath. But Jack didn’t make his rising comment on how much a whore that made him, because the sight before him threw his brain completely off track. It was something Jack wanted to imprint into his brain forever, something he wanted to remember when he was seventy; Alex completely naked, legs spread and dick hard, laying flat out on the glass coffee table with the roaring fire behind him.

Jack was stunned motionless for a moment, taking in the absolute, pure beauty of his boyfriend, exhaling his suddenly overwhelming emotions with a breathy “I love you”.

“Nrgh, I love you too,” Alex whined, hips bucking for attention “and I really need you right now.”

Jack managed to tear his eyes off the naked, writhing form of Alex to focus on the three other condiments that were yet to be used, his dirty persona clicking back into place as he took two into his hands, idea forming in the back of his mind.

“I’ll make you a deal, baby.” He prompted as he looked between the bottle of cinnamon-vanilla flavoured lube in one hand and the bottle of brandy in the other. “If you can hold a shot of brandy in your mouth without swallowing until I say so, I’ll reward you. Think you can do it?”

Alex nodded eagerly without even bothering to consider what he actually had to do, he was willing to comply with anything right now if it meant he got relief.

“Alright,” Jack muttered to himself as he unscrewed the lid on the brandy, taking a sniff of the alcoholic liquid and grinning “keep still for a second first though.”

With his eyes closed, Alex gasped at the unexpected coolness that was gathering on his stomach, the splash of alcohol trickling into his belly-button where it lay in a little pool. A body shot that a pair of lips sucked up in no time.

With a satisfied smack of the lips, Jack was crawling like a lion up Alex’s pinned body, the brunet’s eyes flickering open as he felt the heavy breathing of his predator hitting his face.

“Open up.” Jack whispered, the scent of brandy hitting Alex’s senses from both the bottle and Jack’s breath.

Again, Alex did as he was told; parting his full lips and allowing Jack to pour the strong liquid into his mouth, the trickling stream only stopping when Alex gave a watery cough, the rising amount of alcohol already burning his throat.

“Good boy.” Jack praised him with a tender smile, tapping Alex’s chin twice to signal him to close his mouth again and pecking his brandy soaked lips sweetly. “Now don’t you swallow, or you’ll be in trouble.”

Alex’s head gently rested back against the table, sucking a deep breath through his nose and getting used to the feeling of keeping the liquid housed in his mouth, throat tensing as it tried to drink it down.

The recapped brandy hit the carpet alongside Jack’s knees as he slipped off Alex’s body, hands trailing down his endless skin to grab that lube he’d left situated between his thighs. His fingers wrapped around the tube, Alex’s back aching as he watched those slim fingers curl around something so close to his dick, waiting for a touch to come, but Jack just popped the bottle, putting on a show of slicking up four fingers.

Alex took another calming breath through his nose, heels pressing against the glass of the table to ground himself as those wet fingers trailed down his thighs, slipping down behind his balls and then-

It was a cocktail of pleasure and pain, the single finger that slipped inside him brought such a lovely buzz to Alex’s body, but the breath that tried to force its way into his lungs had him choking, spluttering, but not letting any of that precious alcohol out of his mouth.

“God, you look so hot.” Jack groaned, finger moving in and out of Alex easily as the elder whined in his throat, hips pushing down and begging for more.

Jack didn’t pause to tease; he simply slipped another finger into Alex, thrusting the pair in with a little more force and Alex was grunting, wanting so desperately to pant and moan but he couldn’t risk opening his mouth.

“You’re such a sexy little whore, you know that? You put on such a good show for me.” Three fingers deep and Alex could barely breathe, head spinning, the world dizzy.

It felt so, so good, but he couldn’t get that past his lips; it was building up inside him, making him feel so close to shattering beneath Jack’s hand. It was like holding back the sea, it made his entire body tremble, ache, he needed it out - and then suddenly there was Jack, inches from his face with a grin on his lips and his fingers stilled right up against Alex’s prostate.

Alex was coming apart at the seams, eyelashes fluttering and palms sweating as the bolts of electricity tore up his spine. He couldn’t, it was too much, too much.

“Open your mouth for me, baby.” Jack encouraged, nudging the side of Alex’s cheek with his nose.

And as he did, Jack leaned in and sucked the shot right out of his mouth.

Alex was choking down a breath the moment his mouth was free of the hot liquor, wheezing for air and letting out a trail of little whimpers that had been caged up inside his chest like a flock of birds. And although he hadn’t swallowed a drop of the brandy, Alex could have sworn his brain cells were buzzing with intoxication, but perhaps that was just the affect Jack’s hands had on him - they pulled him into another world, an alternate universe where nothing existed but the two of them and that coffee table by the fire.

“You know,” Jack gasped as he swallowed down the golden stream, fingertips still rubbing ever so slowly against Alex’s prostate “I was planning on fucking you as a reward for being so good, but then I thought it’d be such a shame to let all that lovely flavoured lube go to waste.”

Before Alex’s sluggish mouth could catch a breath and respond, Jack’s fingers were leaving his body in a rush that left him feeling so empty, those hands taking purchase instead on his narrow hips. And then Alex was being flipped over onto his front, chest pressing flush against the table and ass hanging off the edge. He gasped, flushed cheek pressing against the comforting coolness the glass brought to him, hips rocking back to try and find that lovely pressure that he’d lost.

He found it, but it wasn’t in the form of Jack pressing his fingers back into him, it wasn’t even the head of Jack’s dick pushing against his stretched entrance - it was the hot, slick wetness of Jack’s tongue delving deep inside him, and Alex couldn’t withhold the high-pitched moan as his eyes rolled back. Couldn’t help but scratch his nails down the table and buck back into Jack’s face, because Alex had never been rimmed before, but he was fucked if he had ever felt this good in his life.

“O-oh God, Jack.” He all but screamed, the smooth velvet of Jack’s tongue working inside of him.

When he felt the vibration of Jack’s moan shoot up inside him Alex almost lost it; it was so good, so good, but not enough because that tongue swirling and pressing and fucking inside him couldn’t quite reach the places he needed it. The places that would have him toppling over the edge he could see so close in the distance, but couldn’t reach to save himself.

And Jack just seemed to know what Alex’s body was feeling, like he could read him of what he needed because almost immediately one of those slender fingers were slipping into Alex’s ass alongside Jack’s tongue and that was perfect, the pressure on his prostate was just perfect, with the way Jack’s tongue curled and- he was so fucking close he could taste it. Or was that blood?

“God, Jack, I’m gonna-“ Alex gasped, hips shuddering, trying desperately to just cut those few remaining strings and fall into the depths of orgasm.

Jack’s free hand wrapping around his cock was like the blessing to his prayer, hot skin on hot skin bringing that little push that Alex needed to tumble over the edge. With a gasped cry and a rush of pleasure so hot and forceful that Alex’s eyes were blurring with stars, the boy was coming all over Jack’s palm, wave after wave of orgasm washing over his body as it collapsed completely.

Jack caught him as he fell back limply, holding Alex’s blissed out body in his lap as the elder struggled to catch his breath, head tipping back to lean on Jack’s shoulder. He was far too weak to try and support himself, but that was okay - he knew Jack would always be the one to carry his weight, no matter how literal.

“Holy shit.” He finally managed to laugh breathlessly, face pressing into the crook of Jack’s neck as he struggled to even out the rise and fall of his chest. “Well, I know what we’re doing when I want a sundae in summer.”

series: christmas countdown, rating: nc-17, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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