Eight Days 'til Christmas

Dec 17, 2012 12:06

Title Eight Days 'til Christmas
Series: hristmas Countdown
Part: of 10; 8 days 'til Christmas
Pairing: lex Gaskarth/Jack Barakat
Author: alexgokart
Rating: C-17
Summary "With eight days 'til Christmas my sexy boyfriend gave to me..."
Warnings: Very sexy times
A/N Holy shit, okay, first off I wanna say I'm sorry this took a lot longer to get up. It wa supposed to be up yesterday, but this mother of a thing turned out to be much longer than I expected and was just way too much for one day. It's like 5,500+ words and thats a pretty big accomplishment for me for such a short timespan. Also I really like this one. I think it turned out well and I'm just really proud okay let me have my moment. Anyway, more importantly I want to thank everyone who commented on the last update, I was really happy with the response I got so thank you. Keep it up and I will too Also. The two songs I used in this piece are linked here and here and I suggest you listen to them with/before reading the fic so you at least know their vibes. Otherwise this might be a little awkward.

Part one
Part Two

By the next day, the Christmas spirit was really starting to set in. The streets of Baltimore had been decked out in festive decorations for weeks already and the repetitive carols had been driving everyone crazy for close to a month now, but it wasn’t the tacky, fabricated cheer shopping centers indorsed just to up profit that Jack was feeling. It was the warm, genuine sense of home and belonging that was fuelled with food and booze to create a special kind of happiness that only bloomed in December.

One of the specific reasons for it was because it was Jack’s work Christmas party tonight. And okay, it wasn’t really going to be much of a party, since most of his fellow employees were over forty and it was a Tuesday night, but seeing the invitation sitting in his e-mail just inflated that sense of belonging. Admittedly, the night was probably going to just be a whole lot of men in suits, standing around eating caviar and a whole lot of other finger food Jack wouldn’t be able to pronounce the name of, with their overdressed wives clinging to their arms, nursing a glass of champagne all night because they weren’t even allowed to get drunk. The company had made sure nobody would have an excuse against being in bright and early the next morning by giving them tokens to limit their free alcohol intake to two per person, and Jack felt like he was going to senior prom all over again. Not that he went to senior prom. His school had been far too homophobic to let him take his then boyfriend, so Jack had just outright refused to go. And that still bummed him out a fair bit, but at least tonight nobody would stop him from bringing his date just because it was another guy.

Jack felt a pang of nerves shoot through his gut at that thought as he stood in front of the full-length mirror, fiddling with the cuff on his right wrist. It wasn’t like he’d hidden the fact he was gay from his boss or workmates, but he hadn’t exactly flaunted it either. The ones who had cared enough to ask about Jack’s life knew he’d been dating a male intern for two and a half years now, but that was only a select few. Alex had never accompanied him to any of his other work-do’s, because it had always been a personal thing Jack never bothered him with before, but now they lived together and slept together every night and their relationship had become so much more serious when they’d taken the leap that March, so things like work functions with plus one’s were the kind of things Alex would come to now. And that made Jack really, really happy, but also nervous, and he wasn’t quite sure why.

It wasn’t as if he thought his workmates wouldn’t like Alex, it was Alex, he was close to impossible to hate. And Jack felt awfully guilty for the queasy feeling he got in his gut, because Alex had worked an extra late shift the night before just so he could come along tonight. That just showed how seriously Alex took their relationship, it was like they were married, and yeah, that was scary.

“Jack, could you tighten my tie for me?”

Jack snapped out of his internal freak-out, turning from the mirror to face the bedroom door that was creaked open to reveal Alex. And as soon as Jack saw him standing there, in his freshly pressed black shirt and white tie hanging loosely around his neck, chocolate brown hair sprayed to perfection and big, glowing, happy eyes blinking up at him, that gnawing feeling completely vanished. Holy shit, did Alex look good - and not just in an ‘I wanna fuck you’ kind of way, but an ‘I wanna fuck only you, forever’. That was probably the most romantic thing Jack’s brain had ever come up with, and like he said, it was damn scary. But it was a good scary, one he could totally live with.


An hour into the Christmas party, and Jack felt like a complete idiot for doubting his boyfriend and even remotely worrying about bringing Alex as his date. As he expected, the brunet boy was getting along just fine with all of Jack’s peers, and none of them even bat an eyelid as Jack introduced him multiple times as his partner. Perhaps word had already spread of Jack’s sexuality, or maybe he was just more flamboyant than he’d thought. It didn’t really bother him though; all that mattered was Alex felt comfortable and wasn’t acting like an awkward growth on Jack’s side. He’d always had that natural social butterfly aspect about him, where he could just about talk to anyone, and honestly Jack hadn’t been able to stop grinning ever since his boyfriend managed to make his stone-faced boss laugh. He didn’t even know the man was capable of any human emotion other than stress and anger.

The two of them eventually found themselves pulled away from the main group, chatting with John and his tall, blonde fiancé. John was new to one of the other floors, only having worked a few months and was the only other member of the company that was close to Jack’s age. As much as he liked the other guys, it was a relief for Jack to be able to break off from the constant talk about stocks and income with the lanky boy and strike up their own first real conversation. It turned out they actually had a fair amount in common, including having a significant other involved in medicine.

After boasting about Alex’s career for him for close to ten minutes - shut up, he was allowed to be proud of his boyfriend’s job - Jack found out Hannah, the woman in the red dress that had been clinging to John all night, was training as a nurse. That had kicked off a long conversation between the two guests with a whole lot of words Jack and John didn’t understand, so the two taller boys tuned out and raided the passing plates of food.

“So, Alex seems like a catch, huh?” A sly voice and gentle elbow in the side interrupted Jack from the moment he was having with - well he didn’t know what they were called, but they looked like mini toast with some kind of meat on top. He looked up to see John had scooted closer to him, leaving Alex and Hannah a few feet away, the woman’s sandy curls bouncing as she nodded along with Alex’s fast-flowing words. He couldn’t hold back the grin.

“Yeah, he’s great.” Jack nodded, flushing a little in embarrassment at the cheeky look John gave him.

“You guys just seem so…in sync. You remind me of Hannah and myself, actually. I dunno, just that look you give him reminds me of how I look at her.” John shrugged, taking a bite of a curry puff “Sorry, it’s probably none of my business, it’s just rare to see.”

“It’s fine.” Jack assured with a small smile as if John’s words hadn’t affected his brain at all, but suddenly his eyes were stuck on Alex, watching the way his body moved in its own language that Jack could just read, trailing down toned arms to his hands that moved to exaggerate his words. And then focusing on his fingers - ten, long, bare fingers. Jack swallowed heavily, daring a glance at Hannah’s own slender hands grasping a flute of champagne, the small band and rock on her finger almost too blinding to stare at, before trailing back to Alex.

“It’s so hard to explain, it’s like, when I look at her…it’s like I’m staring at an Angel or something. Fuck, that sounds corny.”

Corny or not, Jack knew exactly what John meant. He thought Alex could totally be an Angel - but then he remembered what happened in their bedroom two nights ago and on the phone the previous day, and there was no way he was dating an Angel. This darker, kinkier side Alex was slowly revealing to him was proof enough of that. And you’d never guess, looking at him now, with such an air of innocence, the adorable excitement evident on his face as he spoke about his job. Nobody else in the room would ever picture him with that rabid look in his eye, wouldn’t imagine that the boy got off on things like wax play and God knows what else - hell, Jack didn’t even know ‘til this whole Christmas thing started, but boy is he glad it did. No Angel could ever be this perverted.

With a smirk, a new realisation hit Jack - he’d been anticipating the function so much all day, he’d forgotten about the fact he hadn’t discovered Alex’s note for today - and he had no clue whatsoever what his eight days present would be.

“Well, watch out bro, I’m gonna go get my second beer for the night. Stop me before I get out of control.” John laughed, breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen between them and leaving for the bar with a pat to Jack’s chest.

Jack’s thick eyebrows fell into a crease as he watched the skinny boy walk away, eyes dropping down to his suit jacket at the slight crunching sound it had made as Johns hand had touched him. He didn’t recall putting anything in his pocket before he left, and surely the dry cleaners would have taken out anything left behind.

Pulling out the right side of his jacket just slightly, Jack slipped his fingers into the inner breast pocket, tugging out a folded piece of paper wedged between the folds of material. He thumbed open the blue rectangle, cheeky grin spreading across his face as he read the message inside.

With eight days ‘til Christmas my sexy boyfriend gave to me: an eight minute striptease

Jack looked back up from the paper, eyes immediately catching a pair of honey browns, chuckling to himself as Alex tried to smuggle his smirk.

No, Alex wasn’t an Angel; he was something much, much better.


“I don’t know what you complain about.” Alex said as he made his way into the toasty house from the freezing cold outside, hanging his car keys on their hook on the way in “Your boss seems nice.”

“He’s never that nice to me,” Jack complained, locking up the front door behind them “it’s always re-do this and complain about that. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile before tonight, I swear, he must be hot for you or something.”

“Jack, he’s like, sixty years old.” Alex laughed, scrunching up his nose in disgust and shrugging off his suit jacket, hanging it over the back of the couch.

“So what? I hope I’m still having sex at sixty. Besides, could you really blame him?” Jack mused, wandering up behind Alex “I mean, with an ass like that, I’d be getting boners at ninety.” Jack grinned with a tight, double-handed squeeze to Alex’s butt.

“Hey!” Alex spun around with a squeak “Hands off the merchandise! And stop talking about old guys wrinkly dicks, it’s a total turn off.”

“Mm, I’m sorry.” Jack hummed, winding his arms around Alex’s waist and pulling him closer, pressing his cold nose against the hot skin of Alex’s neck “Maybe you should get started on that striptease you owe me then, I’ve got a bunch of dollar bills ready in my wallet.”

“Only dollars?” Alex cocked an eyebrow in mock offense “I don’t come that cheap, Barakat. This ass is high maintenance, think hundreds. Think-“ Alex’s words were cut short by the gasp that forced its way up his throat, body reacting to the feeling of sharp teeth sinking into his neck “Jack! You fucking vampire.”

Alex’s skin tingled pleasantly as Jack giggled quietly, plump lips pressing soft kisses to the stinging patch of skin, Alex’s eyes slipping closed as they began to travel further up his neck.

“You talk too much.” Jack mumbled, hands slipping down to grasp possessively onto Alex’s hips, before attacking his mouth in a passionate kiss. Alex kissed back, succumbing to the pressure of Jack’s hands on either side of his face and tilting his head back to slot their mouths together more firmly, heavy tongue slipping between his teeth.

Jack was just starting to really get into it, hands rocking Alex’s hips side to side slowly, crotches pressed together in a tight friction as they kissed. Alex’s hands had travelled up to his hair, tugging sharply and making him growl deep in his throat, the taste and smell of Alex intoxicating his brain to the point of arousal. And then the doorbell rang.

Alex was first to pull away, separating their bodies and looking up at Jack with flushed cheeks and glossy lips. His darkening brown eyes flicked to the clock above the decorated mantelpiece of the lifeless fireplace, to which Jack’s eyes followed with a huff of irritation. Whoever was coming to cockblock, he wasn’t interested.

“It’s near on twelve.” Alex pointed aloud, brow furrowed “Who’d be coming around at this hour?”

“Who cares?” Jack whined, fingers pinching Alex’s hips softly “Just ignore it and come back.”

Alex giggled at Jack’s puckered lips, rolling his eyes fondly before manhandling Jack’s body out of the way, from where the younger had him pressed against the back of the sofa.

“Keep your dick in your pants for five minutes, I’m going to go see who it is.”

Before Jack had a chance to make any cute faces to try and convince Alex otherwise, the elder was striding towards the front door, still dressed in his tight black jeans and long sleeved dress shirt, hair now a little more unintentionally messy than before. Jack huffed, pouting to himself as he leant against the couch, watching as his boyfriend unlocked and opened the oak front door.

It was when the singing started on the other side of the threshold that Jack groaned aloud.

“Carollers!” Both boys exclaimed in unison, the only difference being there was excitement in Alex’s voice.

“Come on Alex, just shut the door.” Jack insisted over the high pitched, choir-style version of ‘We Wish You A Merry Christmas’. Sure, Jack loved Christmas, but for some reason Christmas themed sex sounded a lot better than carols.

“But Jack!” Alex whined back, making grabby hands for the disinterested boy “It’s our first bunch of carollers, in our house.” The hopeful look on Alex’s face was almost pitiful, and Jack was sighing to himself, cursing Alex for being such a child - except not really because he could be just as immature - and making his way over to join his boyfriend by the doorway, to watch a bunch of elderly church-goers sing in the icy cold. Now that was a boner killer, if he’d ever seen one.

“This is so awesome!” Alex chirped, cheeks going rosy from the winter air hitting his face “I’m gonna go grab my camera, you stay here.” And with a turn on his heel and padding feet, that’s how Jack was left alone to listen to them finish out the song.

It was half way through ‘Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer’ that Jack noticed Alex was taking an awfully long time to come back, and when the cheery mob finally finished that off too and shuffled on to the next house with a chorused ‘Merry Christmas!’, Jack began to get suspicious about Alex’s sudden disappearance. As he closed the front door on their porch for the last time that night and twisted the deadlock once again, another thought came to mind: did Alex even own a camera? He’d never seen the elder take a photo with anything other than his phone and- that asshole had totally just left him alone on purpose.

“Alex?” Jack called into the house, which sounded otherwise silent, no visible lights paving a trail, spare the living room he could see clearly. “Alex, that wasn’t funny, where did you go?”

Jack paused with an unamused frown, ears prickling and listening closely as they caught something travelling on a low frequency, something that sounded a lot like…singing. Not the ear-piercing kind from an out-of-tune crowd, but a soft, soothing tune from one melodic voice.

Jack’s feet began to carry him towards the source of the sound, the voice getting clearer with each step. It didn’t take long to figure out it was in fact Alex, and sure, he’d heard Alex sing before and he knew he was good; he sang on long car trips and sang in this the shower, but this- this was something different entirely. Alone, his voice just sounded so strong and rich, rising and dropping in octaves as smooth as honey.

It sounded almost haunting, hearing such a beautiful sound echo throughout a pitch-black house, yet it lured Jack closer like rope. It was spine-chilling, his voice, just a little husky and downright sexy.

Jack found himself halted outside the closed kitchen door when actual words became audible, filtering through.

“I said, merry, merry, merry Christmas, baby, you sure did treat me nice.”

Jack’s hand lingered for a moment on the door handle before sliding it open slowly, careful not to disturb the a Capella vocals inside. Jack teetered on the line where carpet turned to tiles, eyes fixated in wonder as moonlight flooding through the sunroof cast down on the kitchen bench like a spotlight, where the brown haired boy lay, one knee bent and arm behind his head, still singing as his eyes trailed over to Jack.

“Well, I want to kiss you, baby, while you're standing 'neath the mistletoe…” Alex’s singing trailed off softly, along with any irritation Jack had whatsoever towards the elder, watching with dumbfounded eyes as he slowly sat up on the bench, legs dangling off the edge. There was a moment of absolute silence, where the two just stared at one another in the moonlit room, before Alex’s velvet voice rang out again.

“Turn on the light.” He ordered in that voice, that just promised wonders.

Jack obeyed, flicking the light switch to ignite the room with a warm, yellow glow, the boy on the bench coming into better focus.

“Sit.” Was all he said next, head tipping to motion to the single chair that was pulled out into the middle of the empty tiled floor, eye contact never wavering. With stumbled feet, Jack did as he was told, dropping ungracefully into the wooden chair, body facing Alex directly, legs spread comfortably and arms limp.

Alex’s gaze was dead set and piercing as his hand slid across the marble surface of the bench, spindly fingers walking up onto the small stereo system they kept by the cordless phone and sinking down on the play button. With a crackle that bore evidence of old recording, the dulled music began to play, bouncing off the walls and shooting right back at Jack along with Alex’s paralysing stare. The deep bass guitar sent tremors through the floor that buzzed in Jack’s heels, socked feet arching on the chilled tiles, teeth sinking into his bottom lip as the brunet in his fixated sight slipped off the bench and began to saunter slowly, hips swaying, towards him. Jack’s eyes followed Alex’s face as he grew closer, neck tipping as to not break their linked stare, but body staying slack as the boy came to a stop right before him, hip cocked to the side as Elvis Presley’s voice drawled out lyrics that were fresh on Alex’s plump lips.

‘Merry, merry Christmas, baby, sure did treat me nice’

Alex’s slack jaw pulled up into a smirk as his calloused fingertips reached out to trace Jack’s bristling jawline, trailing down to his chin and tilting his head just slightly, exposing the younger boys Adam’s apple as it bobbed with a thick gulp, usually sharp tongue rendered a speechless lump in his mouth as Alex’s hips began to rock side to side to the slow beat.

‘I said merry Christmas, baby, sure did treat me nice’

Alex’s sharp front teeth sunk down on his curved lip, eyes lidding hazily as irises began to darken with lust, hand coming up to cast through his own hair and messing up chocolate strands before his nimble fingers were trickling down his neck to the first sealed button on his collared shirt.

‘Gave me diamond rings for Christmas, now I'm living in paradise’

Three buttons popped in an even pattern to reveal the small patch of ivory skin beneath, contrasting against his onyx shirt and white tie that still clung to his neck, only loosely as it was tugged to lay slack against a milky chest.

‘Well, I'm feeling mighty fine, got good music on my radio. Well, I'm feeling mighty fine, got good music on my radio’

Three buttons turned to four, five and six, and soon Alex’s entire shirt was hanging open, vast plains of skin, defined hipbones and steep collarbones on show. Jack’s eyes drank in the sight hungrily, tongue absentmindedly licking his lips as the brunet smoothly peeled toned arms from tight sleeves, and with a soft thud, the black shirt was reduced to nothing but a pile on the gleaming floor. Leaving nothing on his torso to the imagination but what lay beneath the skinny tie.

With another look of absolute desire, Alex was leaning forward to hover parted lips by Jack’s ear, singing breathlessly along with the music.

“Well, I want to kiss you, baby. While you're standing 'neath the mistletoe.”

Jack gasped, eyes fluttering and toes arching like a ballerina as a hot, wet tongue dragged up along the expanse of his neck, the slight tang of salt lingering with a sweat of anticipation. As the tangled sound of plectrums on guitar strings continued to keep Jack perched on the edge of his seat, Alex’s back straightened out once again, palms sliding down the gentle waves of his chest and settling on his black leather belt, tugging the buckle undone teasingly slow until it, too, was leaving a trail like breadcrumbs on the floor.

As the sensual beat started to quicken Alex’s body spun a one-eighty with the scales of piano keys, the button of his jeans popping, closely followed by the zip dragging, its teeth parting like fangs as the waistband set his hips free, rough denim falling away with a movement like calm ocean waves. Jack’s own pants were tightening to the brink of torn seams as Alex’s hands tugged them over that perky taut ass hugged tightly in deep red underwear, and pushed them down, down, descending over shapely legs that went on for days, until finally Alex was left in nothing but boxer-briefs.

Suddenly, the fluid movement of Alex’s body stopped along with the arousing drone of Elvis Presley, the entire room plunged into a split second of breathless silence, until something else was forcing its way through the speaks - something heavy and deep, like an approaching storm. And Jack was waiting, helpless, for the damage. For the wind, thunder and lightning that Alex’s body would bring. Jack watched with bottomless eyes, swallowed whole by his pupils as Alex’s body language shifted from sexy swaying to something forbidden, something dark as his demons came out by the summoning of a razored voice.

‘You let me violate you, you let me desecrate you’

Alex’s claws came out, hands resting on the sides of his body and Jack stared, intrigued, as his nails dragged pale red lines over the curves of his sides, head tipping back as palms smoothed back up over the temporary scars, and then Alex was turning back around to face Jack front on. And that look, that fiery, evil look was plaguing back through those innocent eyes as Alex advanced on his prey, bound to the chair with want.

Jack lost track of reality as Alex’s hands pushed roughly at his shoulders, sending his curved spine straight up against the back of the chair like an empty wooden puppet. His cock twitched and ached as the half-naked boy above swang one leg over him, followed by the other, before slowly sliding down into his lap. Jack gave a sharp inhale of breath as Alex’s ass rocked down against his clothed, pulsing cock, head tipping back as Alex gave him a dizzying smirk.

The elder took an audible breath as spidery fingers trailed up Jack’s chest and around his shoulders, Alex’s sin-slicked lips ghosting against his neck, sending shivers and goosebumps over Jack’s entire body. His venomous tongue darted out to flick the shell of Jack’s ear with the release of a heavy breath, and then in a gravely, throaty growl he whispered,

“I want to fuck you like an animal”

Jack’s eyes rolled back, thighs tensing as Alex’s hand slid down to cup his cock, palm pressing in slow circles as Alex panted heavily into his ear, his own hips rolling. Jack could feel Alex’s hard dick rubbing against his stomach, the fingernails of his free hand digging into his left shoulder.

‘My whole existence is flawed, you get me closer to God.’

Alex’s eyes slipped closed, mouth dropping open in a silent whimper as his whole body flexed in Jack’s lap, spine arching backwards and head tipping to reveal his neck. Those fucking fingers were all Jack could see as Alex trailed them down his own chest, giving his tie a sharp tug, and then the tips were curling under the waistband of his underwear. Over one leg, followed by the other, and Alex was completely naked, spread out on Jack’s lap and grinding against him like he’d been dancing poles his entire life. Like a dirty fucking whore from Hell, and it was the hottest thing Jack had seen in his entire life.

“You’re not e-even Alex.” Jack dribbled with a fried brain, aroused far past the point of sense and coherency, not even he knew what he was saying “You’re fucking possessed.”

Alex’s devilish eyes bore up through black eyelashes, that never ceasing smirk pulling tighter.

“Then exorcise me.” He hissed, mocking, challenging, with the tongue of a snake “Send me right back down to Hell, baby.”

And that prompt, that somewhat permission was enough to mobilise Jack, the younger grabbing the sides of Alex’s face harshly and forcing their mouths together in a bruising kiss.

Neither was quite sure who initiated the sudden fumbled lurch, but amongst the mess of tongue and pooling spit they both found themselves on their feet, Jack’s dull nails digging deep into any patch of Alex’s skin that he could reach. Pressing crescent shaped, bleeding sores all over his body. They groped Alex’s ass in a steel vice, only releasing when Jack was satisfied with the pained whimper that was captured by his own mouth. But it was when he fisted the fitted tie around Alex’s neck did he really catch the elder by surprise, twisting it around to dip down his toned back and yanking it with such strength it forced a wheezing choke up Alex’s oesophagus. The desperate cry for oxygen broke their rabid lips apart, the trail of saliva that hung between them begging for reconnection.

“Get on your fucking knees.” Jack growled, brimstone eyes casting Alex’s naked figure with a demeaning glare. Alex’s jaw set, face of stone as he slowly descended to his knees, eye contact unwavering from Jack’s as he went down onto the floor.

“You’re not a demon,” Jack chuckled, fingers winding the length of Alex’s tie, acting somewhat of a leash, around themselves; the other hand brushing through soft brown locks, admiring the way Alex’s chest heaved with heavy breaths “you’re a fucking Hell Hound.”

A yank of the leash. A pained choke and splutter. Elbows hitting the tiles with a sharp whine.

“A dog. A bitch.”

Jack’s voice sneering in his ear.

“A fucking animal, and I, am going to fuck you like one.”

Jack admired Alex’s submissive figure; sweating forehead leant down on the cooling ground and round ass in the air, as his own hands fought with the buttons on his shirt, tearing the last few right off the material with impatience. His good dress pants were shoved down around his ankles in a tangled mess with his boxers, and then Jack was sinking to the floor behind Alex, leaking cock finally free.

“Get up.” He ordered through grit teeth, rough hands taking Alex by the makeshift choke collar and forcing him back up onto his elbows with another hitched breath.

Jack shoved two fingers into his own mouth, tongue sucking and swirling hurriedly around the digits. His threatening hand scraped its way back down Alex’s back to land on his ass, thumb sliding down his crack and pressing teasingly to his entrance, lips curling around his soaking fingers as the elder gave a desperate whine.

“You dance like a whore,” Jack mused in a deep, sultry voice, dripping fingers slipping from his mouth and pressing up against Alex’s entrance “and I know you fuck like a whore. But let’s see if you can take it like a whore.”

And without much more warning, Jack was shoving both his fingers deep inside Alex, tearing apart his muscles and enticing a sharp cry. Whether it was in pain or pleasure, not even Alex knew, as his hips snapped back and forced the intruding fingers deeper as they began to move furiously. They curled and scissored inside him, making Alex whine and groan as they pressed everywhere but that spot, the spot he knew Jack was avoiding on purpose. To keep Alex in his place.

Jack’s cock fucking trembled as his fingers pounded into Alex’s tight body, from where it lay neglected between his legs, and with a free hand Jack fisted himself sloppily, giving his best effort at smearing his pre-come down the shaft in some form of lubrication, before he was pulling his hand out of Alex’s ass, not nearly stretched to what he was used to. The elder gave a needy groan at the loss, before his body tensed up and fingernails dug pointlessly into the grit of the flooring as he felt the head of Jack’s cock press up against him. His heartbeat was thudding in anticipation, palms sweating and eyes clenched shut.

One sharp thrust and Jack was inside, and Alex was downright screaming, head dropping down between his arms and body wracking with the heavy, unforgiving thrusts from behind. His arms were shaking like jelly, hips doing their best to grind back against Jack as he pushed into him hard and fast, desperate. Jack’s hands were everywhere, perspiring forehead dropping down against Alex’s slick back as his hips snapped, off-beat but so, so good, and with a slight change of angle and a pleasured cry from beneath him, he knew he’d found Alex’s spot.

Jack couldn’t have stopped if he’d wanted to, fingernails tearing Alex’s skin apart as he fucked him into the hard floor, the elders’ hands grasping for purchase on the tiles. There was something growing inside of Jack, something twisted that needed to get out of his skin, something that told him to pull that leash tight. And he did. The spluttering noises that Alex made had Jack tipping closer to the edge, dick slamming hard into his prostate but Alex couldn’t moan, because he couldn’t breathe. The pressure wasn’t subsiding this time, but it enhanced the pleasure. His head was dizzy, woozy as his lungs cried for oxygen, but all he could feel was that burn in his chest and the incredible jolts of electricity as Jack pounded him.

Jack’s movement was becoming less precise, not so much of a thrust as a dirty grind as that burning heat spread throughout his bottom half, the last threads cutting away. It was too much, the control, Alex’s clenching body, too much. And as he came hard inside of Alex, his teeth clamped down on his milky shoulder, piercing through layers of skin, breaking apart with his own seams.

With that, Alex couldn’t hold back any longer and he was coming on the kitchen floor without Jack even touching his cock, head spinning as a sudden rush of oxygen came back to him. His body was shaking, drawing in deep breathes as his elbows gave one last weak shudder before collapsing beneath him, blissed out body crashing to the floor.

Jack struggled to catch his own breath, slowly coming down from his incredible high as he pulled out of Alex, eyes drooping as he leant back to sit on his feet. Once his eyelids had blinked away the hazy blur orgasm had left behind, they focused on the brunet, laid out heaving on his chest, bite mark on his shoulder bleeding.

“Shit.” Jack gasped, reality sinking back in as he surged forward, much gentler hands finding Alex’s forearms as he realised fuck, he’d just choked Alex, bit him and scratched him and hurt him and fuck.

“Oh my God Alex, I’m so sorry. Did I hurt you? I- fuck.” Jack helped Alex turn over and sit up, the elders worn out body of no use.

“Shit.” Alex panted, eyes heavy and seconds from passing out, but he managed a weak smile at Jack that said it all. It was okay, it was more than okay. Jack let out a sigh of relief, pulling the shorter boy into his arms.

“You.” Alex mumbled, head tipping to lean on Jack’s sweaty chest, eyes giving in and closing “I could marry you.”

And that’s the last thing Jack heard from the boy before he fell asleep, right there on the dirty kitchen floor.

Extra A/N And BAM! Just when you thought Alex was the dominant, kinky one, Jack strikes. Also just another thank you t valeohyeah f you're reading this baby I love you and thank you for your help!

series: christmas countdown, rating: nc-17, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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