Sulphur and the Sea

Oct 11, 2011 17:43

Title: Sulphur and the Sea
Chapter: [Two] Amor
Author: alexgokart
Pairing: Jack/Alex
Rating: NC-17
Summary: “So you’ve decided to take matters into your own hands. Make him love you.”
Warnings: Language, supernatural themes, sex.
Title credit: The Boy Who Could Fly - Pierce The Veil


When Jack had pulled away, eyes slowly fluttering opened, he’d found himself alone; any trace of another being completely vanished.

With once last glance at his deathly silent surroundings, he’d scurried back to the safe haven of the van, sealing himself inside. He’d slammed and locked all the doors before taking towards the highway - clouds of dust billowing as rubber tore through dirt.

His mind had been racing faster than the speedometer, steadily rising far over the limit, thoughts of what would be waiting for him plaguing his senses. Though his heartbeat was erratic and breathing uneven, he couldn’t bite back the grin that tainted his lips; images of Alex whirring in his brain as his foot sunk lower on the accelerator.

Tonight, he would finally get the only one he’d ever wanted.

Now, he found himself crouched outside a certain bunk, the soft snores from sleeping bodies around him the only sound disturbing the silence. His fingertips were twitching in anticipation, dusty shoes since discarded and heart beat hammering in his chest.

The bunks’ curtains were drawn, and Jack swallowed thickly as he extended an arm, fingers grasping tightly to the thin material and lingering in place.

He wondered what would lay behind the veil; he wondered if, after all this time, he’d be able to fall into the arms of his love. He wondered if the older boy would have any recollection of the evil that had possessed his body. He wondered whether all of this was going to pay off.

With a yank, he tore back the curtain, the small space inside shadowed and dark. The usual slim, fragile body lay inside, his features calm and hair askew as his pale chest rose and fell with shallow breaths. He was peaceful; unaware of anything.

Jack smiled at the gorgeous boy, outstretching his hand to cup his face, thumb tracing his bottom lip as Alex made gentle hums that vibrated in his throat.

“Alex.” Jack cooed in a whisper, fingers shaking him tenderly, pulling him gracefully from his sleep. “Alex, wake up.”

Jack’s heart thudded as hazy, caramel eyes were revealed, the older boy blinking rapidly to focus on the unshaven face beaming down at him.

“Jack?” He croaked, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

For a moment, Jack’s smile faltered. Alex looked the same, he felt the same. Nothing at all seemed to have changed. Jack felt his heart plummet, the hope beginning to rush from his slouching body.

But then Alex’s lips were pulling into a bashful grin, colour tinting his cheeks as his hands came up to gently embrace Jack’s face. He was smiling, where he would usually swat the bothersome boy away.

“Hey, Jacky.” Alex gushed, the pads of his thumbs tracing Jack’s cheekbones. “I missed you.”

Jack’s eyes glistened with blissful tears as he sighed happily, his forehead dropping forward against Alex’s, eyes slipping shut.

“Shh, Lex.” He hushed, climbing in beside him and securing them both beneath the heavy blankets. “Go back to sleep.”

Alex obliged, cuddling into Jack’s side and falling back unconscious with his head nuzzled into Jack’s trembling chest, unaware of the tears that dotted his hair.


Jack awoke the next morning to find Alex watching him; big, brown eyes admiring the stirring boy with a dreamy glaze, absentminded smile on his face.

Jack’s lips stretched into a grin as Alex scooted closer, nudging his nose against the younger’s and tracing Jack’s chest with delicate fingers.

“I never realized how beautiful you were.” Alex whispered, stroking at Jack’s cheek with his thumb, sending shivers down Jack’s spine.

And then their lips were meeting - a soft brush of skin that set Jack’s soul alight, fire tingling and sparking within his veins. Such a simple gesture, yet something Jack had needed since they’d met, something that had tears of happiness prickling at his eyelids.

Jack pulled Alex on top of him, feeling the intimate touches he’d been longing for; the tangling of legs and gasps for breath, slickness of skin and brushes of morning stubble. His heart was erratic, close to a flutter as the feeling of ultimate ecstasy and Alex overwhelmed every cell in his body.

It was just how Jack had imagined.

Alex was breathing heavily when he finally pulled away, lips swollen and face flushed, and to Jack, he looked angelic; a picture of beauty.

“God, Alex.” Jack panted, eyes slipping closed to savour the moment; the feel of their chests pressed and the scent of early morning “I love you.”

His chest seized as the words could finally pass his lips without a second thought. It felt too good to seem unnatural.

“I love you, too.” Alex whispered back, breath ghosting Jack’s lips.

Jack’s cheeks were sore from the grin that was plastered on his face, but he’d never welcomed the pain more. He tangled his fingers in Alex’s hair and brought him close to his chest, and to the beating box inside that had always belonged to the other.

“Will you be mine?” Jack whispered into the locks that smelt so sweetly of musk and wild flowers.

“Of course.”


As they lay together in silence, soaking up the remaining moments of the morning before they were called upon, Jack stared up at the ceiling of Alex’s bunk. As he felt the older boys’ shallow breathing ghost across his chest, he finally felt content. The grin on his face radiated the relief his heart felt after so long of aching; he thought he finally had everything he’d ever wanted.

He’d always dreamt he’d fall asleep with the older boy curled into his side, holding onto him lovingly. That he could steal soft kisses behind the tour bus, could hold his hand and have it mean something. Now, he had everything he’d wished for.

He could stroke his hair from his eyes as he dreamed, he could press soft kisses on his head, and he could whisper those three little words without a worry. Alex finally loved him, and wasn’t that enough? It didn’t matter how it came about, not really. Because natural or not, Alex was his, and Jack thought that meant perfection, regardless. He thought that his selfish actions would come without consequence.

He thought that nothing could ever go wrong.

This chapter is really sappy and sickly and lovey-dovey.
But don't worry, it won't be like this for long.

author: alexgokart, rating: nc-17, title: sulphur and the sea, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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