О композиторском мастерстве

Sep 26, 2014 12:40

Внезапно два интереснейших интервью по теме написания песен, музыки и звука. Как-то совпало, что я именно этим сейчас занят, вот ведь странно что попали на глаза. Прочитал внимательно по два раза.

Джеймс Хетфилд, Metallica:
"On the “Black Album” we learned how to add muscle to our sound. On Load and ReLoad, I learned that when you write too many songs, your focus gets watery; it gets diluted. I hate that part of us. We know how to take an okay song and make it good. But the question lately has been, Do we have the discipline to dismiss an average song and say it’s not on the record? Do we know when something is not good enough?

We used to have that discipline early on. And I attribute that to having blinders on-that fuckin’ attitude that says, “Fuck that, it’s not heavy enough to put on the album.” In the Nineties we tried to embrace everything, and [producer] Bob Rock was good at helping us do that. Each time we did, we opened our eyes a little more, but the discipline kind of went away. We became craftsmen instead of destructors. So from Load and ReLoad, what I learned is that I can’t spread it out over 40 songs. I just can’t. I’d rather have eight powerful songs than 14 so-so songs."

Джефф Уотерс, Annihilator:
"For me it's just concentrate on rhythm guitar and songwriting and play leads for fun. Just have fun with the solo stuff. There's so many good guitar players. You hit YouTube and you see these kids playing these most amazing solos, and yet they can't write a song if their life depended on it. And they want to be either rock stars or they want to actually make a career in a rock or a metal band. And if that's what your goal is, you have to write a good song.

I struggle with that every day I'm writing a song. It's work, it's not easy, and it's hard not to repeat yourself when you've been at it for so many years. But it's something you've got to really, really learn.

And learn how James Hetfield structures his songs. And how these guys are doing this. Why do you like a song? Does the song build up to an intense part and then drop for a second and keep going? There's actually formats on songwriting that songwriters know, and it applies to even heavy metal. Whether it's a death metal band or a punk band, it's all really the same idea. You usually have verses and choruses and pre-choruses and solos and bridges and endings and beginnings."

Написание песен - такая же работа, как и другие. Долгая и непростая. А если гитарист не пишет песен, то как бы чётко и быстро он ни играл пассажи, никому он никогда не понадобится.

"But if you want an actual career, which means take care of business and make money, you've got to play in a band if you really want to start rocking on the stuff. Get a singer. That's what Marty Friedman was saying."

annihilator, песни, творчество, metallica, сочинение

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