All you gotta do is watch me

Jul 14, 2008 09:31

Despite Chris Brown lyrics, this post is mostly feetless. Also all Meek and pretty crap and colorless but hey we can't all be color maniacs all the time can we?*

Most of these are faces cuz I felt like doing faces last night <3 When it rains it pours or whatever.

Kerch and Kherson

I used to love these guys so much and now here they are on the dreaded back burner, possibly the garbage. They also didn't look related before but *maybe* they do now... well they might if I didn't make Kerch's face so tilted. Not that it matters at all since they're scrapped.

After seeing some awful kids teeth on TV yesterday I decided that Alamand MUST have bad teeth. It's so him, I wonder how I didn't see it before...

Also a shitty Angora. This is why I like big eyes, small eyes look too untrustworthy >:c

I'll put Amen and Soli next to each other since they're all up in each others faces. Just rehashing old stuff.

Androgynous girl is androgynous.

And last, Luca <3

Uh yeah, I love him. This is my favorite side pic so far, all the other ones were too skinny-looking. His shoulder is kinda low but whatever. I though I might use this to make a character sheet but then I thought, lol (I think about making a char sheet about once a week and never do).

RosyNose asked me if Luca is a bear last week and I managed to evade her question. But after more consideration I don't think so, since he's not beardy enough to fit the standard definition? Anyways I don't believe in labels ;___; haha

Some height chart that I mainly did to see Luca v. Suda but then everyone else jumped on as well.

Ughh <3 I had to use a ruler to determine how tall Hyla probably is

And last obligatory deathhandy Luca


*actually yeah we can

amen, suda, phe, luca, soli, alamand, hyla, angora, ulyer, rana

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