Most my memories have escaped me

May 16, 2008 11:28

Lots of pencil sketches from subbing this week, where I was without the digital medium D: OH GODS
But first some stuff with the digital medium. Continuation of the Emperial commishes:

Reg and Marlu! Again, a lot of fun to mess with :) But hard to do this week, my computer is wheezing like its going to die what with this hot weather.

And a random icon for my brother, I got the urge to make it and I did :3


Ok, pencils:
Angora and stuff, some face I stole out of this book I'm reading about the Raft of the Medusa (way to make people eating each other boring, author).

Not sure if I want to do that boxed pic, but I can see it rendered in a Bluefooted kind of way with textures and shit if I can muster up the nerve to ink all those leaves.

Whatever default left-facing Pinter, I tend to draw him when I'm uncomfortable and trying to draw myself into feeling better...

Also a Bezo with a collapsed Sherman trap, aww.

From the same time period, Phe and her stupid whoreface sister Lily.

Phe def isn't as pretty but I like her a lot more.

Dunno if I mentioned it but it has been extremely fucking hot as of late.

Some Zhaozula, cuz all the cool kids are doing/ have done it.

And last, another small (uh, long) Avatar comic I'm working on. Notable only because after this sketch I'm jumping right in to the final draft XD So stupid.

Oops, almost forgot THIS by Mattahan who is amazing and who you should try to commish if you can!

Thats all for now! Time to romantically melt into the sunset.

zhao, animals, avatar, phe, luca, commissions, angora, pinter, fanart

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