Jun 17, 2010 17:07
- 21:26 @ T_FRY @perhaes sounds like a fun party! #
- 21:28 apparently I was on the @aots Twitter wall during #E3onG4 yesterday, but I missed it to go buy cupcakes :( #
- 21:42 Fantastic pic! @conversiondoc: Cool double rainbow I just saw... twitpic.com/1xeokv #
- 22:33 This "Work of Art" show on Bravo is dumb. It works for fashion, it doesn't for sculpture. #
- 19:00 hubby is sick so tonite was Chef Boyarde night...he had Spaghetti-O's - i had Mini Raviolis #
- 19:11 booked our trip to Cape Cod & Maine today - CANNOT WAIT #
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