So I Found This Download....

Apr 19, 2011 22:18

So today I was perusing the internet when I came across a USXUK Drama CD. At first I was like: (*^.^*)......then after the first minute I was like (O.O;). They were going at it pretty good on the track. The sound effects were what got me and England moaning (grunting, what ever you want to call it) didn't help either. I own sooo many USXUK R-18 pictures and doujinshi files but that got me pretty flustered. I actually wanted to giggle at first because I didn't know what I was getting myself into. It came with a gratuitous English translation which was hilarity within itself. To commemorate this crowning moment of awesome/funny/weird I will post a USXUK picture! I would rate it PG-13 because of the very obviously implied awkward situation. (Under a Cut of Course)

By the way the caption for this picture was "If Only You Came 10 Minutes Earlier" or something along those lines. Google translate sucks ass

america, r-18, hilarity, england, usuk, drama cd

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