Jun 01, 2010 23:59
Something's off with my body. I don't know what exactly, but my digestion is in an uproar, I feel woozy sometimes, my skin feels itchy and more breakouts. I don't know if it's hormones or the onset of my spring allergies. Either way it sucks and it can stop anytime now, please.
Today is the first official day of my unemployment. Apparently it's not quite as easy as I thought getting a temp job. I've spent the afternoon completing step 2 in the uphill battle on getting umemployment benefits somewhere down the line. Only about a million left to go. Step 3 is I have a meeting on Thursday with my unemployment advisor. He'll probably scold me for only applying for 8 jobs.
My application file is at 4 different job placement agencies. I have a job interview on Thursday. We'll see how it goes. I want to get back to work, but I'm also spoiled, because that job would entail a 40 min. commute to work and my commute used to be 10 min. If it happens, it happens.
I get along really well with my new roommate so far. I might even like her more than my old one and I liked my old one plenty.
Sometime in the next two weeks or so, I'll find out whether or not I got into the school I've applied to. Man, I hope so.
Also in the next two weeks: I'll be turning 30. Whooooo. I don't quite know what I'll do to celebrate it. I'm thinking something lowkey. I'll have to ask my friends if/when they're free.
living with other people,