Jul 29, 2017 09:49
I want to tell you about a man who is destroying the United States of America - his name is Donald Trump.
He is completely out of control and insane with power. He speaks in Adolf Hitler quotes and phrases. He preaches hate and violence to any and all. Just this week he outlawed transgender soldiers, appointed a freedom of religion ambassador -to protect Christians because, you know, there are no other religions, advocated that police brutalize those they arrest, incited children to boo a former president and his opponent in the last election, exhorted the military to 'fight dirty' in war. He also hired a little man who acts like and speaks like a sewer rat in Scaramucci, his new 'communications director'. And that was just this week.
This man needs to lose his job, along with his entire staff and his appointees. They are stupid, ill informed and in his case, evil. I have cut ties with many friends and family who voted for him - their betrayal of the USA is unforgivable to me.
I really don't care if you agree or not. If you feel compelled to to explain him to me, don't bother. We all know that those who 'wanted change' really wanted a white man in the White House and I really can't see where there is any discussion to be had.
Next week, I'll find something other than pond scum to talk about.
Wherever you read this, that's where it is!
saturdays personality