Oct 15, 2007 14:44
So when i first heard that Thrice, my second favorite band ever to Incubus, was making a four disc concept record, i thought it might be cool. They'd never really disappointed me before, even though the CD before that was my least favorite of the four. Then i heard two songs on their myspace, one kinda boring, one that actually kinda grew on me, so i was slightly more confident that maybe it would turn out ok. Well upon first listen today, i'm sad to say that i'm more than a little disappointed. I was really excited about the fire disc, as it's supposed to be the heaviest of the four discs. I thought that i'd hopefully see thrice return to the heaviness of Illusion of Safety and Artist In The Ambulance. I didn't see that. There were parts in maybe three songs that i liked. The first song, Digital Sea, on the water disc is pretty cool, but after that it pretty much dropped musically. Dustin's lyrics are amazing as ever, as he still delivers flawless lines. There's alot of historical and mythological references in the lyrics, which i find pretty interesting, but it's not enough to save the CD i'm afraid. I'll keep listening to it, and hopefully my mind will change, but as of right now... it's not looking good. I hope in the end, a band i've loved for six years doesn't really disappoint me for the first time.