A.D. 5 days

Oct 19, 2004 12:05

Guess who lives in New York?

Me baby, me.

Life is sweet.

My roomies are great.

My apartment is great.

I've had more to drink in the last 5 days than in the last few months combined I think (in no small part due to the fact that I have an Irish room-mate.) I even got free drinks in this (hardcore) Irish pub near our school because the irish barkeep felt sorry for me because I was english.

I had a great night in Brooklyn t'other night which ended with me and Jamie strolling home as the sun was rising - Manhattan is breath-taking.

Met Super-Bacca! Though it was brief and I was pretty out of it (just got there).

I don't have a cell phone yet, but I have most other things sorted.

Oh, by the way - after months of bs sorting my visa out (including my 7 hour wait at the US embassy) I get to Dublin and am just at the US border control and I'm showing the official my passport with my photo and US Visa in it and he says.

"Where's your I-20 form"

Alex: Excuse me? My Visa's in my passport

Official: Yes, but you need the I-20 form with the passport to enter the US

ALex: THey never told me that

Official: Yes they did and you can't travel without it. Where is it?

ALex: It might be in my case, but I might not have taken it at all - I can't remember

What followed was me looking through my case on the tarmac (they dug it out of the hold) and getting my frickin' I-20 form.

Fortunately there was another connecting flight running late - so I wasn't holding everyone up, but still...

My new life has started and started well

Oh, I walked over to W72nd Street to this blading store I heard about - got a cool new leather wrist strap (Tali knows I've been looking or one for ages) and some new wrist supports. I then bladed all the way back to E60th and 1st (where I live) through the park. It was a beautiful day.

as I said. Life is sweet

I start class in a few days (registration is tomorrow) - and I saw a poster for my school on the side of a bus. which was nice.

Anyway - as my good friend Samir (iamwhatiamnot) says:

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
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