Feb 16, 2010 15:12

or, y'know, my english essay. we're doing an essay about technology usage, and we were asked to inteview people. if you wouldn't mind helping me out, i'd be super appreciative :)

1. how much time do you spend on the internet a day?

2. of this time, how much do you think is devoted to school/work as opposed to recreational usage?

3. which online recreational activities do you participate in?

4. how much would you say you use your cell phone?

5. how much of your usage is texting and how much is calling?

6. do you ever use the internet recreationally or check your cell phone during time allotted for class and/or work? please explain.

7. if your technology shorted out tomorrow, what would your feelings be and how would you deal with it?

if you could also supply me with your age, that'd be fantastic. i might be using your answers in my essay, but it will have a very limited audience (my professor and possibly a few of my classmates.) please be honest, but don't feel like this is an all-or-nothing deal.

once again, thank you! :)
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