happy saturday

Sep 12, 2009 23:49

are there any kind souls out there who would like to explain how to add a header/banner/whatever to the top of my journal page? or do i need a paid account for that? i'm so tech-illiterate.
thanks either way :)

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alexandria_skye September 14 2009, 04:41:06 UTC
thank you :D :D :D i'll see if it works once i set up photobucket. i hope it does!


alexandria_skye September 14 2009, 05:46:39 UTC
lol, i tried a few times, no luck yet. is that the code exactly, or are there spaces or carrots i have to delete and/or add? and around the url, do i keep or delete the parentheses?
sorry for being needy. thank you for your help :)


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alexandria_skye September 14 2009, 06:14:21 UTC
:( wow, i don't know how to do that. i looked for it, promise! i'm using "flexible squares" by yati mansor...

my custom css page reads (kinda abridged): use layouts stylesheet(s)- y/n; use layout's stylesheet(s)- y/n; use external stylesheets- y/n; custom external stylsheet url- (not a paragraph box); custom stylesheet- (paragraph box)... i've been pasting into the box next to custom stylesheet. hopefully that's right.

i tried a few more times, but to no avail.


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alexandria_skye September 14 2009, 22:57:01 UTC
nope D: i tried a bunch of combinations of y/n's. i think that the code you gave me might just work for your layout? idk. i'll try a few more times, but i might have to call it quits, or maybe lurk through a comm to look for the answer...


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