1.) So I'm in college at OU and I have yet to go out and party. Not that I'm really a partyer anyways, but I have literally spent all my time doing homework. If I'm not doing homework, I'm either in class, hanging with my roommates in my dorm, or eating. That is basically my schedule. It's slightly on the sad side. Not that my roommates and I don't crack each other up. Last night, Claire and I argued for almost 40 minutes about Buffy. (Season 2 isn't the best season. Is she freaking kidding me?!?!?!?!) And then Laura and I proceeded to watch bad MTV programming into the night. Next is much more fun to watch at 1 AM.
2.) My journalism and society class is totally kick ass. My professor is awesome and I'm actually glad the thing last for two hours each time. I am such a nerd.
3.) I blame Maria and
thighofblue for this. I definitely check facebook at least five times a day, usually more. I don't need another website that I obsessively check.
4.) I have had no urge to drink alcohol whatsoever. I just don't get it. I've never felt like I needed something extra to have fun, so why would I need beer. I looked at my sister's facebook pictures and all I can think is that I am clearly the smart one of us. It's not like I think less of her because she drinks. It's more because she's stupid enough to post them all over facebook. I know that Ursuline got the talk about why this is less than intelligent, did MND not?
5.) I know that college is about making new friends as much as it is about learning, but I totally miss Maria and
thighofblue more than anything. I don't even miss my mom that much. Having a long distance relationship with her is not a big deal. All I can say is that
thighofblue and I better end up living together at one point, be it in a box or an apartment because my life is so lonely without her.
6.) \*Sigh* I'm pretty sure I just made
thighofblue not want to hang out with me anymore. I'm so needy.
7.) I'm in love with my new icon. Sark=love.