Christian Bale + Dorama list

Nov 08, 2006 16:55

What does yours truly do when her life enters an uncertain and rocky patch (sorry, I can go into the details just yet)? Goes to sleep at nine p.m. yesterday! Things seem to be much more manageable today after the good sleep, and anyways time is a healer for everything. I just will stay as positive as I can, and then everything will get sorted out at the end, I know!

Christian Bale
On am absolutely positive note, through soniag and elspethsheir I got introduced to the fantastically fabulous new film, "Equilibrium" . EEEEE! I liked "Equilibrium" on many levels and I am going to make a proper post about this film, but at the moment I am in a state "OMPH! Christian Bale is so hot I am surprised he is not scorching the celluloid, or whatever digital devices they keep the films on nowdays".

Look!! Christian Bale is burning away from his own hotness!

+ I thought that Christian Bale was hot even when he was playing an evil maniac Patrick Bateman in "Amrican Psycho". BTW, I found "American Psycho" to be absolutely great in a very disturbing way, and even attempted to read the novel which I could not manage more then 10 pages of. May be my English was not so good 5 years ago, and may be I should try again some time later, but all I could remember from the first 10 pages is a long long list of obscure (for me) designer names.

+ I was absolutely in awe with "Machinist" because it is so Dostoyevskian and mind-bending, though it did worry me a lot that such a figure as Christian Bale’s was wasted away completely. And it was not like easy-to-take-off the fat suit in Lee Adama’s case; Christian went on a crash diet and slimmed down by a sixty pounds pounds(!!) to take a part in "Machinist".

+ And my fears were scattered away in "Batman Begins" - fabulous figure made a come-back and I liked the film, but mostly for the "Christian Bale is great" factor. Hmm. I like comics and films made from them as one-day watching pleasure, but not to death.

I would love to hear any recommendations on the films with Christian Bale!!!


EEEE! Something else to amuse myself with:

My list of Asian dramas I have seen, with the ratings (I apologise in advance - these ratings are entirely mine and I am not trying to say they are the most correct ones or anything)

1. "A Love to Kill" : 9/10

Unbelievable hotness of Korean star Bi/Rain; Dostoyevskian story. Motobikes (:D) What else can your friend Alexandra like as much?

2. "Long Vacation" 8.5/10

Gorgeous music. Takuya Kimura. My first Asian drama with many revelations of the cultural kind.

3. A tie!!!

"Goong" 8/10
This drama is filmed so absolutely beautifully and quality of cinematography is so high!

"It started with a kiss" 8/10

EEEE! How could I forget my math nerdy first love Zhi Shu!. This drama has the happiest of happiest feel and fabulous jokes!!!

4. Here is a tie again!!!

"Mars" 7/10 (Vic Zhou!!!)
"Meteor Garden" 7/10 (OMPH! Four of the best guys in Taiwan!)
"Kurosagi" 7/10 (Yamapi is my fictional toy-boy of the moment)
"Nobuta wo produce" 7/10 (Brilliant and clever)
"Good luck" 7/10 (Takuya Kimura can do cute in his sleep)
"Full House" 7/10 (sparkly Song Hye Gyo and angsty Rain)

5. "Beautiful Life" 6.8/10

I may be have forgotten something, I haven’t seen too may dramas, and to say honestly, the only one which left me with the feeling "I am not so sure about this" was Japanese drama "Forbidden Love", mostly because of the moral ambiguity of the story and too-far-fetchedness of the ending.

life, christian bale, doramas, pictures

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