+ EEEEEEE! I have gotten a new computer at work and it has big LCD screen and it is lovely! Even better - I can take the old one home (we are allowed :) for the "Staff Development Purposes". EEEE!
+ Sasha has joined the school choir!!! She also lost her front baby teeth! She has been waiting for this event for ages because she wants to go and learn a brass instrument in the local brass band, and they only take children when their front adult teeth are grown.
+ OK - this is embarrassing but Sasha still sucks her thumb and I don’t really know what to do to get her out of the habit. She is doing it much much less now , but still. I explained to her that her teeth will grow crooked but it doesn’t help completely. The thing I think - WILL THEY GROW CROOOKED or not?
I finally realised that the main and only interest I have in Prison Break is forbidden love between Michael and Sara. I watched episode 2.5 in the “fast” mode as it felt totally empty for me. No Michael/Sara. ** Sigh **
+ This article I came across during the lunch break and it disturbed me a little:
Swiss organisation, Dignitas, is asking the Swiss Supreme court to allow a change in the law and allow depressed people access to barbiturates without the need for a prescription with the purpose of committing suicide. But shouldn’t depressed people receive treatment? Is the suicide a really valid exit for someone who is disturbed mentally? And what if they will fell better after they receive treatment?. I don’t understand.
+ I am trying to get myself out of the Jerry Yan/Meteor Garden mood by downloading "Silence" (Thank you very much
dangermousie. But I keep having flash-backs and an intense desire to watch the new Taiwanese drama with Jerry, The Hospital/White Tower My problem is that I can’t find any subtitles for this drama (or even episode scripts) so I just resort to looking at the pretty pictures :
Two pictures from The Hospital (taken from soompi forums):
+ I really really want to go and see Pedro Amodovar’s film "Volver" this weekend. I love Amodovar and the film sounds really good!!!
+ EEEEEEEEEE! I am so much looking forward to "Jane Eyre" this weekend too!!!