The Woman in Black

Feb 27, 2012 15:48

I have been listening to quite few audiobooks lately, including "The Woman in Black" which I rather enjoyed. My daughter wanted to watch the film (her wish to do so is somehow connected with her interest in Harry Potter movies) so we went to see the film yesterday.

The most positive thing about the film is that it is scary. I am not an easily scared person as I rarely seem to be able to get immersed in a film deep enough to forget everything isn't real, and I was scared and jumped out of my skin few times during the cause of the film. So overall, "Thw Woman in Black" is really good Ghost horror story: dark, atmospheric and creepy (where did they get all those creepifying toys from?) .
The film was much more Over The Top than the book was. The book is much more mellow.

Out of small dislikes, I was rather disappointed that we didn't get any good ending for Arthur. In the book although his wife and his child are killed in an accident (by the Woman in Black) , years later he ends up happily married to a different person. He is successful, although scarred person. In the film, it all ends in doom and gloom, with both his young son and himself dying under a train. It is just me - I accept that life is not always a nice place, and that there are dark forces in it and all, but I like to see people surviving, overcoming, etc.
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