Magic vampire children: Angel/Breaking Dawn.

Aug 05, 2008 21:46

I was moving through the season 3 slowly because of the magic vampire child thing. It took few month for my brain to get accustomed to the idea that vampires can have children. But I am glad I got over it because "Angel" from somewhat good show finally has become a very very good show at the end of the season 3. Everyone has grown up, things have changed and become serious, the world-building structure became real.

By far the saddest and most real scene in the series:
Wesley is all alone, in the hospital. He has done something that he thought was right, only it was wrong. The saddest moment was when Fred gave him a little hope by visiting the hospital. "I understand you", she said, just to finish it with "But how could you? Do not come to see us again. Ever!" (these are not her actual words). This was so sad.

Stephenie Meyer "Breaking Dawn"
I am joining the camp of nay-sayers. This was probably the worst book I have read for as long as I can remember myself.

The question: Is this in the vampire lore now? Vampires can have children?

twilight, vampires, angel

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