I have been tagged by
gws with 20-existential-questions meme. I concur: my answers behind the cut:
1. You have 50 dollars in your pocket what do you do with it?
Usually when I have money in my pocket I go shopping for clothes. :D Especially scarves.
2. What is your most guilty pleasure?
Internet, the time just flies when you are on-line. Interneting has many advantages. It helped me to meet new friends and develop many abilities I would have not been able to develop otherwise (Photoshop, writing, etc.). But still, if I calculate the amount of hours I spend here I will be probably shocked!
3. Where would you want to live?
England, countryside
4. Where did you go on your last vacation?
Hampshire, UK.
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
Same place (Yorkshire, UK), may be change the house.
6. If you could be any fictional character, who would it be?
Brienne, A Song of Ice and Fire. I have "met" few guys who are heroic, strong, selfless and multi-dimensional. But Brienne is the first lady that is all that and more and love her.
7. If you could live in any other historical time, what would it be?
19 century Russia, aristocratic family. Their dresses were to die for.
8. Do you have a favorite saying?
There is a time for everything.
9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy recently?
Things happening in the world.
10. What do you want most in life?
Love and acceptance
11. Which of the 7 Deadly Sins do you think you relate to the most?
Slothfulness (it is a deadly sin, right? I am not very sure what is included in deadly sins)
12. Do you believe there is only one person for everyone (romantically speaking)?
No, but I believe in kindred spirits, in love and in friendship.
13. Who is currently the most important person to you?
My family: my husband, my daughter, my parents.
14. What kind of person do you think you are?
Lazy? :D
15. Do you believe there is nothing higher than human kind?
It is a weirdly worded question. I believe in God if this what it asks.
16. Which fictional character could you most see yourself marrying?
Dam Deok from "The Legend" - come marry me any day.
17. Would you give your all in a relationship?
Yes. It doesn't make sense to me to be in a relationship I don't want to give my all.
18. What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
"No country for old men". I must talk more about this. I loved it.
19. What type of friends do you like?
Kindred spirits.
20. Do you have an all time favorite song?
"Dance me to the end of love" by Leonard Cohen, with it's everlasting longing and sensuality is my all time favourite song. I have heard it for the first time 12 years ago and no matter how often I listen to it I never get tired. It has almost become an extension of what I am. It is a very personal song, I often say to Mr.Alexander that when we celebrate our 50th anniversary I'll sing it for him. :D
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Jack Vettriano created a panting influenced by this song. I like the painting too. :D
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There is a new community for the fans of Korean actor Bae Yong Joon.,
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