I just decided to make a livejournal... don't ask me why, maybe some english-practice will be good for me :))
You know I love drawing in manga style, and I draw everything... fanarts and OCs, as well.
Yeah I found out how to post up pictures :))
In the evening the Republik will perform in our little city... It will be so good!!!!!
Its a popular hungarian band, and they've made a lot of hits.
"Szááááállj el kismadár, nézd meg, hogy merre jár, nézd meg, hogy merre járhat őőőőő!!!!
vápp vápp vápsuvápp, váp váp vápsuvápáppééééééé"
"Vidd el a levelem, mondd el hogy kell nekem, mondd el, hogy semmi más nem kell,
csak a hold az égen, csak a nap ragyogjon,
nekem semmi más nem kell"
some english-like translation:
Fly away, little bird, look where she is, look where she could be!!!
whapp whapp whap shuwhapp, whapp whap whapshuwhappappey
Take my letter, tell her that I need her, tell her, that I don't need anything else,
just the moon in the sky, just the Sun to shine,
I don't need anything else
its a nice song from the 90s.. I was just borned back then XDDD
Well thats all for today :))