So, in order to get the comment system to work on Tribe and Void Dogs, I have to provide each story item with a unique clean URL, much like the other stories. It's not hard, just takes a lot of repetitive work.
So of course I joined in a writer chat circle on Twitter.
And when I opined that first person perspective is unfairly deprecated by trained writers when it honestly can be more engaging for readers, another author popped up to say that writing first person requires discipline you won't find in a novice. I replied that I disagreed, that it should be done in a natural and easy style (if you're not writing noir) and that it should thought of as drawing freehand: keep a loose grip, easy motions, and don't be afraid to show mistakes.
His response was:
publish something, then I'll be interested in why you disagree
(I'd link to it but it appears he's since deleted it.)
I responded as well you may expect me to have responded, if you read my blog. But then I got curious. I figured from what he said that he was a Published Author himself. So I went to his website and looked around.
Here's his book. Note the URL.
Now, I'm not about to badmouth anyone for self-publishing on Lulu. Obviously not. After all, I'm not a hypocrite. I say a dozen times a day that self-publishing is a viable and valid approach. It's the one I use.
But usually when somebody tells me "Publish something before you try to talk about writing," it can be assumed they mean, "Convince a publisher that your work is worth spending their money to print and try to sell to the public", not "Go out and actually personally publish something yourself."
(For bonus lulz, look at who left the first review on his book.)