...the big story is that (co-publisher) Dan Didio has announced that in the new continuity, the "Crises" never happened. There's some confusion about what exact events he's referring to when he's also said that Identity Crisis did happen. Rather than "Any Storyline Which Involves The Word 'Crisis'", I assume he means Crisis on Infinite Earths, Zero Hour, Infinite Crisis, and Final Crisis... the big wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey events that were meant to utterly remake continuity, usher in new eras, etc.
Identity Crisis did "soft retcon" things and explain some continiuity snarls involving the wildly differing portrayals some characters had received over the decades, but it didn't involve somebody literally stepping outside the timestream (i.e., the story) and remaking things.
And my response to this is pretty much "meh"... I pretty much thought that was the upshot of the reboot. One Retcon To Rule Them All. So many of the central characters of the universe are so different from who they were on either side of those events. People are saying this is confusing, but I find the idea that I'm supposed to reconcile what I know Old!Superman did in the original Crisis or Zero Hour with who New!Superman is way more confusing.
Also, the age of superheroes is supposed to be 5-6 years old at this point. So the multiverse is destroyed and remade every year and a half now? That could actually make a decent premise for a superhero story with cosmic-level characters... every time they come together and have a big fight, the whole world changes and they have to be aware of that... but as background for a story that's not about remaking the universe over and over again, it would verge on ridiculous.
If the backstory for this version of the universe is that it was made by the actions of Barry Allen trying to set things right after breaking the previous timeline, it makes perfect sense to me that there was no Crisis on Infinite Earths. I mean, if he could remove one thing from continuity, don't you think it would be the thing where he and a bunch of other people died?
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