I watched the first three episodes of the current Avengers cartoon (Earth's Mightiest Heroes)...

Sep 27, 2011 17:57

...during my lunch today, after having re-watched both Thor (on DVD) and Captain America (which is still hanging on at one of the local cineplexes) last night. The show wouldn't even be on my radar if I hadn't seen it being discussed by professed Steve/Tony shipper, the mighty ktempest.

It's interesting. The first several episodes apparently aired as minisodes which were then pieced together into full-length episodes. This sort of thing was not all that uncommon during the golden age of TV As Toy Advertisements... the Inhumanoids started off in this format, for instance. But where the Inhumanoids minis fit together to make one epic overarching plotline, the first episodes of Aengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes follow an anthology format, which four minisodes fitting together into a story that focuses more or less on a single hero at first, with the baton passing to a different character near the end. So right now it feels like I'm in the middle of a miniseries about various characters doing different things in different parts of the Marvel Univese.

It's an interesting choice. None of the stories are origin stories so far, though they all work fairly well as entry points/introductions for the characters. They're also all fairly... representative? Typical? Iconic? I'm not sure which word is the best fit. The show is a definite retro throwback to the Kirby era in a lot of (good) ways, but also very in keeping with modern aesthetics in a way that I wouldn't really believe possible if I hadn't seen Thor.

I've seen this show talked up for its character dynamics, something I really haven't seen yet. I've liked what I've seen so far but I'm sure I'll have more commentary once I reach that point.

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marvel, comic books, superheroes

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