Been reading reviews of Batgirl #1...

Sep 07, 2011 13:18

...and one note I keep seeing cropping up is frustration that Barbara Gordon alludes to a "miracle" that lets her walk again and never explains it, leaving the reader to imagine whether this is some kind of backwards-talking magic or nanotech nanoprobic nanites or purple rays or what.

Um, I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess: there is no mystery. She wasn't being coy, she was stating a simple truth. The miracle she's referring to is the fact that she can walk, that she recovered in the space of a few years from a spinal injury that in another life might have left her paralyzed for the rest of her life. It's not something that medical science could perfectly predict or force; ergo, it's a miracle.

I'm not a fan of this particular retcon, or the rationales behind it, but everything about it's been handled... from comments by Gail and the rest of the DC staff to the fact that living with the injury's ongoing effects is apparently used as plot points in the comic... points to the fact that there is no "magic unbullet" at work here.

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