popelizbet has a new poem up at Apex, called "
Down Cycles".
Her previous works concerning a neglected bride, an angel fallen on hard times, and a sea hag (NGL, I was disappointed when this one didn't turn out to be about the Popeye character, but Hans Christian Andersen is okay, too) have already earned her the title "The Gregory Maguire of Genre Poetry" even if nobody in the world has ever called her that.
Her M&Ms sometimes lets me see her poems before they're finished. I never have much to say about them... I don't have much poetry in my soul (not enough room; too much prose), but I confess to a touch of pride in having helped with the title of this one.
On the subject of things lyric, jewelrymaker
thegreenyear has unveiled
a series of pieces that draw inspiration from the poetry and songs of some poets and songwriters of her acquaintance. If you have ever wanted to own a pair of dangly earrings that end in the word "PANIC" and bear the title "
You Are Fucking Up Real Bad", now is the time.
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