News For Today
In order to inject a little excitement into the fundraiser going into the second half of the month, I'm going to try a little something called Fundraising Friday, where all contributions made today count double.
As an important psychological note, I've found from comments and emails that the close race over a long period is having the exact opposite effect it did over the short period: people are leery of donating because they're afraid of seeing the impact "erased". A double impact day doesn't necessarily address that but it does give an incentive to do it now instead of waiting until later.
All told, I don't think I'm going to do a month-long fundraiser again. I believe this one will match my expectations, but the disadvantages I'm perceiving seem to outweigh the advantages. It seems like to keep people aware of it for the whole month I'd have to flog it as much as I did the roommate derby... and the primary reason I decided to make it longer is so I wouldn't have to flog it as often for it to be effective.
Lessons learned.
Personal Assessment
Slept pretty well. Feeling okay.
Dreams From Last Night
I was at a (now, in real life, defunct) drive-in theater with my (now, in real life, ex) roommate, and we'd brought dinner from a midscale restaurant's curbside to-go service as we often had, but there was a massive spider crawling around on the windshield. I watched my roommate use the back of the spoon she was eating with to go after it, but instead of smashing it she kind of gently transferred it from the windshield with the intention of flicking it out the passenger door... i.e., the one on my side.
The spider had a string of spider web attached to it, though, and so she had to flick the spoon a bunch of times to get it loose. During one of these times it brushed my cheek and ended up grabbing one. I flicked it off and smashed it, but not before it bit me... before long my cheek was swollen up like a golf ball where it had bit.
Plans For Today
It's Friday, which means I'm not home alone today, but it's nice and cool upstairs in my room so I can "work from home". Getting chapter 5 ironed out and posted is priority #1. Getting the Mageterion story finished is priority #2, so I can have it up this weekend without violating my weekend policy. (Not that I'm not going to have to do work-related stuff this weekend, and considerably less pleasant than writing. Rendering unto Caesar, and all that.) Finishing up the chapter for Monday comes after that.
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