
Mar 29, 2011 14:32

What, this is still sitting in my browser? Dang, I thought I posted this already. Guess I'm still a little spacey.

News For Today

My plans continue to take shape. I've decided to slow down the pace of going over old chapters of Tales of MU. I had planned on doing four or five a day for the purely arbitrary reason that it would let me get the first book done (and ready to go on Amazon and Smashwords) in about one working week. I can do that many in a day but I think a little more attention to detail is warranted. I'm going to set it at two chapters a day. I'll do more if I'm on a roll.

I think this willingness to adjust my plans rather than let them fall apart when reality diverges from expectations is a sign of maturation. I'm taking into account the possibility of a need for adjustment when I consider how exactly to run the monthly back-up feature, which is an idea that excites me more the more I think about it.

My brain keeps developing Untitled Fantasy Novel during the down cycles, which is good because I'm not sure it had even a modestly-sized book's worth of plot in the original storyline. I'm calling it a novel but it's more of a mosaic or tapestry story. It's going to end up being a very "meta" story in some ways, one of those stories that's about stories. That will probably only increase the resemblance that prompted Jack to remark "Reading a lot of Pratchett lately, love?" after reading the first chapter, but let's face it... there are worse influences one could show.

It's not a MUniverse story, but it's part of what might be termed the MUltiverse... within walking distance, we might say. I've put so much work into the worldbuilding of MU that it seems silly not to make use of it, to re-engineer the wheel again when it comes to populating a world with elves, dwarves, gnomes, ogres, and the like. Those who wish TOMU were more of a traditional fantasy adventure story might be more satisfied with UFN... or I don't know, they might simply continue to be disappointed that TOMU isn't what they want it to be.

Personal Assessment

So, I got not quite six hours of sleep last night. Kind of disappointing, considering how genuinely sleepy I was when I went to lie down. But I feel okay, so maybe it's all I needed? I don't know.

Random Links

Catherynne Valente's announcement of Deathless's availability, accompanied by an awesome picture by Seanan McGuire.

Also, I give to you the greatest Twitter hashtag ever.

Plans For Today

Today is workday 1A: work on final chapter of volume 1, write a couple of FIMs.

Full task list:

  • Get major structure of TOMU chapter in place.
  • Write some FIMs. At least one's going to be another piece of Later Days, which my brain is also shaping on the down cycles.
  • Answer emails - got a few of these.
  • Fulfill order(s) for The Gift of the Bad Guy.
  • Go over next two chapters of old TOMU.

on tasks, only a little catherynne m valente

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