Started: 9/25/2010, 2:30 PM
Status: Finished! (11:11 PM, 9/28/2010)
Note: This entry contains the chapter in progress of Tales of MU. You are welcome to read it to observe my progress through the writing process. Feedback is welcome, but with the following caveats: all comments are screened--invisible--and I will not be replying to any of them. The story posted here may vary from its final form. Note that this is not "live"... you'll have to refresh the page to see if I've posted anything new. I'll use my
Twitter to keep people informed of major progress.
[The conversation that forms the bulk of this chapter was drafted two chapters ago, but the first version was sort of hollow and disconnected from anything. When I do proper "drafts" of something--write it and then go back over it--it's usually something like this, where I have the dialogue running through my head and I need to get it out without stopping to think about what else is going on. I can think of two times where I ended up posting something still in this sort of state, and then went back and filled it out better after readers reported they just weren't feeling it.]
[Further additions to this chapter are apt to be a little haphazard and hard to spot, as I'm filling in details and changing things here and there.]
It was odd, but I felt a surprising sense of connection, there in the hallway where everyone was hanging out. It was like I was part of... I don't know, campus life, or the community of students, or something. It was a very different feeling for me... I felt out of place among crowds of human students, but it wasn't like I felt like I belonged in Harlowe, either. I had my friends that I could be comfortable with, some of the time.
Maybe it was the fact that the nexus hallway was a narrower space than the lunchroom or the venues for the dances I'd been to, and less formal a gathering than the classes I attended... but then, I hadn't felt this way when Hazel'd had her community potluck on Sunday. I'd been aware of a spirit of togetherness, but it had felt like something external to me... something I could see and maybe touch, but not something I could be included in.
Even when a good number of other students had come together in protest or whatever they'd been feeling when I got banished to the labyrinth, I'd felt more surprised and overwhelmed by the surge of support than I'd felt any real kind of connection to those who'd turned out.
Maybe that had been a mistake... maybe if I'd reached back out more, followed up on that a little bit, I might have been able to carve out more of a place for myself.
"You go to a human university, you can't expect everything to be your size unless you're a human," Oru was saying as we approached.
"Actually..." Pala began, a little bit hesitantly. She seemed eager to speak up, but uncertain of her right to do so... it was easy to see how less invested she was in the topic than the two principal combatants.
"Is it a human university?" Shiel replied. "I mean, it's definitely human-owned and human-ran, and naturally it's very humanocentric..."
I could understand Pala's hanging back from the conversation and her look of mild amusement. The problems of the shorter races might interest her in the abstract, as she had her own version of the same issues to deal with, but she'd have less reason to be emotionally involved than the goblin or kobold.
"Well, naturally. So what are you even arguing for?" Oru asked.
"I didn't expect... hi, Two!" Pala said, seeing us.
"Hi, Pala. Hi, Hazel," Two said.
"Hello, Two," Hazel said. "Pull up a floor and join the, er, fun."
"As I was..." Pala started to say as we sat down, but Oru and Shiel were too engrossed in their debate to notice.
"Well, the fact that it remains a de facto human institution doesn't matter," Shiel said. "The moment they started accepting enrollment from other races, they've defined themselves as a university for all of those races, but by not making their facilities and services equally accessible they've done so poorly."
"To hear you speak, I'd think you don't want them to let anyone in at all," Oru said.
"No, explicitly excluding other races is its own failing," Shiel said. "The most that could be said for it is that it's honest. Here, they're saying that all races are equal, but they're rating our needs differently. Their actions have proven..."
"I didn't expect things to be my size, is what I was saying," Pala said. "I just said that I would like for them to be so."
"Well, there you go," Oru said.
"Wait a second," I said, adjusting my position... sitting on the floor could be uncomfortable enough, but the sloped floor in the nexus made it even more awkward. "You're all talking about how big Pala is?"
"I was talking about how small the buildings are," Pala said.
"Not specifically about her, no," Shiel said. "She's merely serving as a convenient example of how humans have prized their own accessibility over others."
"When I mentioned it, I thought I was talking specifically about me," Pala said. "Did I say it wrongly?"
"You said it fine, love," Hazel said. "Goblin-type ears just have a lot of room for words to echo around in."
"Oh, don't you start," Shiel said.
"Wouldn't dream of it," Hazel said.
"I know what you meant, Pala," Oru said. "And I've been inconvenienced for my size, too. But like I said, there's got to be a practical limit on the amount of special accommodations they can make."
"I think it's more of a special accommodation when everything around you," Shiel said, "the buildings, the doorways, the furniture, the lifts, the bathroom facilities... literally everything is designed specifically to accommodate you and people like you."
"Isn't that what you're asking for?" Oru asked.
"Not for buildings made for any one type of person, no," Shiel said. "For everyone. If they made a building that was truly accessible to everyone, each accommodation that was made to achieve that goal would be less 'special' and more routine."
"Wouldn't that get really expensive really fast?" I said.
"Buildings are really expensive to make, I would imagine," Shiel said. "But people come up with the funds for it if a building needs to be built. That kind of money on a building is considered reasonable, right? Normal. But who defines what's normal?"
"The people who live there," Oru said.
"Okay, so if any of you tall folk ame back to my warren, or Oru's village, or the shire of Logfallen, you wouldn't be able to get around very well," Shiel said. "You wouldn't be able to walk through any of the portals, or fit in furniture... well, we don't really use 'furniture'... but you wouldn't be able to stand up in our tunnels. And it wouldn't be because we did anything to exclude you. We just constructed them the way we normally do. Our definition of normal excludes non-kobolds."
"Well, again, there you go," Oru said. "It's not on purpose, it's not to keep anyone out... it's just doing what you'd do normally. Can we ask for more?"
"If we don't, we deserve what we get," Shiel said. "My point is that what's 'normal' is entirely up to the people making the definition, so there's no reason it can't be defined more broadly."
"So why not start at home?" Oru asked. "Why not start digging bigger warrens?"
"If I had any input on warren construction... or much of anything else... maybe I would. But our warrens are inaccessible for reasons of self-protection, and self-determination," Shiel said.
"And humans don't get to self-determine?" Oru asked.
"'Human society', by nature of their imperialistic impulses, is intrinsically pluralistic," Shiel said. "Their culture touches and envelops a lot of other races. What we do in our mining communities by ourselves is different than what humans do. If we went so far as to put up a sign that said 'No humans allowed!', would it make a difference to anyone? Humans don't have to pass through our tunnels to get anywhere. Humans aren't surrounded by our warrens. And as a race they've shown a tendency to go into other peoples' lands and do whatever they want anyway."
"Well, if you're talking about what's fair, why does it matter how many humans need to pass through your mines?" Oru asked. "If it's the principle of the thing you ought to make sure humans and giants and orcs and gelatinous thingies can fit comfortably in your tunnels anyway."
"If we were inviting humans and ogres and 'thingies' into our warrens and these warrens were the only source of certain advantages they would need to get along in a kobold-dominated world, then yes, it would be horribly unfair of us not to accommodate them," Shiel said.
"Aren't you maybe overstating the case?" I said. "I mean, I think in general I'd agree with your side over Oru's, but humans control something like less than twenty percent of the land on the surface of the world, and most of that's split between two empires that haven't exactly gotten along that well, historically."
"Okay, a human-dominated continent," Shiel said. "Or sphere of influence. The Imperium surrounds or borders every kobold warren known to us in this part of the world. It would take about ten percent of the Imperial military forces to wipe out every one of those communities in under a year."
"Oh, you're making that up," Oru said.
"No... it is just an estimate, obviously, but it's based on the actual strength of the imperial armed forces, the typical defenses of a kobold warren, and historical engagements between human and kobold forces on kobold turf," Shiel said. "We don't have the same capabilities as dwarves. We don't have their same investment in and knowledge of shielding and secrecy runes, in traps, or fortifications. No matter how much we dig in, we could be dug out. All of which means that humans will never have to worry about us the way we have to worry about them."
"Why would you ever sit down and figure out something like that in the first place?" Honey asked. "It's so... morbid."
"I think about it because they think about it," Shiel said. "You don't think the imperial government has done studies and war games and divinations to figure out how to permanently pacify or eliminate the other races that share its domain?"
"You're looking well, Honey," I interjected. Up closer, she was noticeably down a little weight and a little sleep, but she seemed relaxed, almost relieved. In fact, it was hard to say how exactly but now that she'd drawn attention to herself she was practically radiating an almost tangible sense of relief.
"Oh, I'm just glad the whole thing... well, it's nice to know it was just a monster attack, you know?" Honey said. She hiccuped, or giggled. "Not a murder after all."
Any guilt I might have felt from not immediately divulging the truth was wiped out by seeing how much calm the idea gave her. Perhaps that was a good sign for the campus mood. After contemplating the implications of a horrible murder, "just a monster attack" didn't seem so bad.
"Look, the thing we're overlooking is that this was an all-human university," Oru said. "They made the choice to open it up to all races. Doesn't that say something? About their willingness to accommodate? About their intentions?"
"I think inviting members of every race to come to your university but not making it fully accessible to them says something, alright," Shiel said. "It says that it's all still yours. I mean, apart from the university's actual owners, who do you think has the greatest sense of ownership, of belonging: the human students, or the non-humans?"
"Is that a real question?" Oru asked. "This university was built and founded and run by humans, and it's in the middle of a human empire. Obviously humans are going to feel more at home. Not that I feel particularly unwelcome... I mean, I can be made to feel unwelcome in a room with no humans in it as easily as one that's full of humans. I just think it's more a matter of... economics, I guess you'd say. I think a lot of it is."
"A lot of what is?" Sheil asked.
"The stuff you talk about," Oru said. "All the racism you think is everywhere. Doesn't it really come down to money and power?"
"Well, yes... it comes down to power, and money is a form of that," Shiel said. "Racism without power would just be prejudice. Ugly, but irrelevant."
"Except I don't think it's about race," Oru said. "I mean, okay, yes... some people don't like goblins. I call that racism. You'd probably call it prejudice. But it's not like I care what some hairy, round-faced breast ape thinks I look like, right?"
"But human attitudes matter because they've got the power," Shiel said. "Including most of the money."
"Okay, yeah, right now there's a lot of money in human hands, but they've got a lot more hands than we do, and they've been collecting money for longer," Oru said. "As a race, I mean. But a rich goblin who didn't want to live in the lowlands could go and buy a house on a hilltop, or a townhouse in the city..."
"Or a cityhouse in the town," Hazel added.
"...or whatever... and there are poor humans, who are way worse off than anyone in my village," Oru said. "I mean, everybody there has a house. I doubt the humans treat them any better than they treat us."
"So there's classism and racism," Shiel said. "I don't know why you think this is better than just racism."
"I don't think it's racism and... classism," Oru said. "I don't even think there's that much classism, unless that's a fancy word for 'some people have more money than you do'. But I also just don't think there's as much racism as you think there is."
"Um... didn't you tell me that you didn't like going out at night because you were afraid of being attacked by fighter students?" I asked her. I had to wonder how much her current stance was being informed by her desire to disagree with the extremity of Shiel's position. I had a hunch that left to her own devices she'd be less sanguine about the general state of human race relations and on-campus equality... but when Shiel said something too extreme for her to support, she ended up arguing against the whole thing.
"Yes, but... that's just people being stupid," Oru said. "Thinking 'goblin equals monster equals kill it!' But it's not like I walk into a sweet shop and the shopkeeper says, 'Oh, you're a monster. I can't take your coppers because monsters are for killing.'"
"So you're fine with the idea that you might get randomly killed for your race as long as you can buy sweets?" Shiel said.
"I'm not 'fine' with being killed, but it's dangerous outside for everyone," Oru said. "More humans get killed by ghouls, so I suppose that ghouls are racist against humans?"
"Hold on, now," Hazel said, in a surprisingly serious voice. I could almost feel something shifting inside her, like a card had been flipped over or a puzzle piece had locked into place. "I think you've got a point, Oru, but I don't think it's the one you mean to make."
"What do you mean?" Oru asked.
"Oh, this should be good," Shiel said.
"I mean, we've the same sorts of problems in my shire, only we're sort of an insular lot, so it's all one race, see? But there are definitely what you'd call 'class divisions', and you see the same sorts of things you're talking about across the classes."
"Not really," Honey said. "I think our society's really very... egalitarian. I mean, we did away with most noble titles before the Imperium did, and peasantry before that. I think it's like Oru said: some people just have more money. You have to expect that, unless you do away with money entirely... but it's not like money plays favorites."
"Just because we stopped naming the classes doesn't mean they went away, Honey," Hazel said. "Or that people don't know them. Look at your family. Look at mine."
"We're cousins, Hazel. We are family."
"You know what I mean," Hazel said. "Your folks. My folks. You could put them in a line, with you at the front, us at the back, and most any random folks from town falling somewhere in between us. That's class."
"If you think the folks in town looked down on you, Hazel, it might be because of the way you walked around like you had a chip on your shoulder all the time," Honey said.
"Are you saying your folks didn't look down on my dad and me?"
"Well, if you want to bring that up... but if that's a matter of class, Hazel, it's that your father didn't have any class, of the other kind, and you didn't have the chance to pick any up from him," Honey said. "And that's sad, but that sort of class is something a person of any station can acquire, not a... social... division... thingy."
"Except..." Shiel said. "Except that it's not really a different sort, is it? It still refers to social standing."
"It is," Honey said. "I meant class as in classy, as in... classiness."
"Yes, but that means 'having class'," Shiel said. "You see, 'classy manners' are manners associated with people 'of a certain class'. Anybody can learn them, but if your parents have them, you learn them growing up. If everybody else around you shows them, then that becomes like your idea of what normal default behavior is. The fact that it's a special advantage you possess that others don't doesn't even occur to you."
"Some advantage," Honey said. "It's just... one way of behaving. So what if Hazel learned other ways? Is she really worse off because she doesn't know how to fold a napkin?"
"Hey now! I fold them better than you do," Hazel said.
"She is pretty good at that," Two added.
"Well, yeah, because you practiced it every day all summer long after my mum said something about it," Honey said.
"After she snapped my head off, more like, " Hazel said.
"The point is that you practiced it and you got better at it, and anybody could do that," Honey said.
"The point is that your 'classy' behaviors act like a filter," Shiel said. "Keeping the 'right' sort of people above the 'wrong' sorts... it can be used to sort out who gets dinner invitations, who's allowed into the 'respectable' establishments... if the class stigma's strong enough, that becomes self-policing as people who don't know the etiquette end up staying away for fear of embarrassment..."
"Is it anybody else's fault if they do?" Honey said.
"Yes. It's the fault of people who would use social stigma as a weapon," Shiel said. "These are just some examples of how people of a lower class end up with reduced opportunities."
"Oh, yes, right," Hazel said, nodding. "I could talk all day about 'reduced opportunities' compared to Honey."
"That's not 'reduced opportunities', that's just being poor," Honey said.
"Trust me, Honey, that reduces your opportunities," Hazel said.
I found myself nodding along with Hazel. Growing up with less money than everyone else in your class was an almost daily lesson in "reduced opportunities". I wasn't sure how much of it came down to class... my grandmother was respected and "the right sort of people" in the eyes of most, and she owned her own home even if she'd never exactly rich, but her respectability hadn't in any way been passed down onto her daughter the single mother.
"Alright, then, so it's reduced opportunities to spend money," Honey said. "If you've got one gold and I've got ten gold, then I can buy ten times as much. Stands to reason."
"Yeah," Oru said. "Stands to reason."
"Yeah, only maybe there are more things in the world that will do you lasting good that and cost ten gold than cost one," Hazel said. "Maybe we each need one gold for food to live on and here comes a thrilling investment opportunity that costs nine more. Or even one more. I couldn't... if I couldn't afford to come to university, you'd have an opportunity I don't."
"So? You can make a good living without a university education," Honey said. "I was thinking about being a teacher, once. You just need to know your figures and your letters to teach the young ones."
"You think anybody 'proper' would have let me teach their children?" Hazel said. "Assuming I could even live on what they give the schoolteachers."
"Well, money's not everything."
"No, just food and shelter and decent clothing and anything else," Hazel said.
"Miss Ruth told me the best things in life are free," Two said.
"Yeah? Did she say that as she took money out of your pockets?" Hazel asked.
"No," Two said. "She said 'Best I hold onto that for you' when she did that."
"Is she keeping a lot of your money safe, then?" Hazel asked.
"Not anymore," Two said. "I donated it to Hearts of Clay."
"I'd ask another question but I don't think I'd like the answer," Hazel said. "Anyway... my point is that there's class, and it's real, and it doesn't need race to make a mess of things. Though I'm pretty sure race is in there, too... tallfolk don't even know about river people, and they still look at me like I'm not there."
"It's all real and it's all related," Shiel said. "Lower class correlates with less money, which is less power, and class tend to correlate strongly with races, even intraraces."
"Whatra-races?" Oru said.
"Like hobgoblins and goblins," Shiel said. "Or arguably, hobgoblins, kobolds, and goblins."
"Oh, sub-races," Oru said.
"I don't like the connotations of that word," Shiel said. "I am not sub-goblin."
"I didn't say you are," Oru said. "It's just a word... the proper one. Hobgoblins, kobolds, and goblins are all sub-races of the same race."
"And what race is that?"
"Well... goblin, I guess," Oru said. "That's why we're called 'goblinoids'."
"We're called 'goblinoids' by humans because they met you first," Shiel said.
"Yes, and so if they'd met you first we'd be koboldoids," Oru said. "Do you think I'd be complaining?"
"Honestly? No."
"Well, there you go!" Oru said. "And you don't have anything to complain about. 'Teeth and claws may rend my flesh'... is there a way to make that rhyme in Pax?"
A couple of human girls, one with sandy hair and freckled skin... and maybe just a trace of La Belle ancestry in her face, though that could have been my imagination... and the other with dark hair in long, tight braids... had wandered over and were standing a few feet away, listening to the conversation.
Note: This ended up being a long chapter, at right around ~5,000 words... I've found that the occasional 5-6,000 word chapter meets with approval but more people are comfortable around the 3,000 word mark. I thought about splitting this, especially as it breaks down nicely into two sections, but there's no good breaking point between them. I am working on the idea of getting people used to some chapters having more of a "transition" than a "break"... it's jarring when you read the chapter by itself but for someone reading through the archive I think it would flow pretty nicely. The chapter changes because someone new came on the scene, or the conversation underwent a major shift, or whatever.
In general I'm going to be erring on the side of splitting when something's running long, just because that makes it easier to keep the updates coming, but in this case I have plenty of momentum/drive for what comes next. I don't need a 2,000 word running start to write Mackenzie and Ian.