Aug 07, 2010 21:06
Okay, I had planned on posting the transcript first, but the room where my desktop computer is located is too hot for me to be hanging out in during sunlit hours today so I'm doing this one first.
This is the character rewards wishlist post for the Inn Campaign. I'm tagging this "player action required" because it's semi-important, but it is actually optional... nobody has to post here, and there's no deadline. Feel free to come back and add comments to this post later, as ideas occur to you, as your character levels/evolves, etc. While I'm not going to be giving out level-inappropriate rewards, you can put ideas for higher level items on here... if you don't have any particular preference for the here and now but there's something you know you'll want later, you can list it now.
For those without much 4E experience/; wishlists are a time-saving and player-pleasing tool for DMs. If there are particular magic items that you feel would suit your character (either in the sense of "If I just had a +1 to x, I could do y." sense or an "I think I'd look really cool with a Halberd of Looking Really Cool."), drop a comment to let me know. You can be as specific (an actual named item that has defined stats) or general ("A magic axe.","Something that will make me hit better.","Something to make my Invoker more Invokery.", etc.) as you care to be.
Alternate rewards are also possible if you'd rather not rely on magical gear, or you're attached to your character's current gear. This campaign is going to have plenty of opportunities for exposure to otherworldly energy, so I'm planning on using spontaneous enchantment of existing stuff as an alternative to always finding magic items, anyway. If you'd prefer to go that route, or have the idea that one of your character's items is already "special" and just needs to be unlocked/mastered, please let me know so I can work it into the story.
I'm also open to using boons and grandmaster training, but see the caveat below.
I'll take wishlist items on board as suggestions, but this isn't a shopping list. The mere fact that you've added a level-appropriate item to this post does not mean it's going to turn up under a rock next session. In some cases I may have things you list here show up as an incentive to complete a challenge rather than having it drop into the game as a reward after you've done so.
I can't think of anything except unique items (item sets, the "Legend of Drizzt" icons that they put in Dragon, etc.) that I'd veto outright, though.
On the subject of "unique", please don't pitch a specific custom item or boon/training at me. I will say no, and I'll feel bad about saying no, and because I said "please don't", I'll blame you for it. :P This is a large group. My level of personal familiarity within the group varies wildly, as it includes people I love, people I know, people I respect, and people I barely even know. This makes approving/disapproving other people's homebrewed stuff really awkward, so I'm just saying no outright.
I know there isn't a list of boons and grandmaster training types like there is for magic items, so while the "no homebrew" rule applies, what it really means is that you're leaving things up to me. If you'd rather have your character receive special training than special gear, say so, and feel free to specify the type/area of training. Just please don't write up specific powers you'd like to have, because again, I'll have to say no. If you're open to the idea of being given custom boons/training that I feel fits your character, please say so as well. Because boons and grandmaster training are custom and we might have different ideas of what is level/character appropriate, I'm not going to give these out to anybody who doesn't explicitly signal that they'd be open to it... I'll stick to magic items in that case, since we have an impartial ruling on those.
Entirely unconventional rewards that don't fit the item/boon/training model will also be considered, but please don't try to use that as an end-run around the "no homebrew" thing. "How about if my character gains the ability to _______" is basically asking for a boon without calling it one.
inn campaign,
dungeons and dragons,
player action required