I have very good friends. Who spoil me. Hardcore-rotting-teeth-sweet-friends!
Yesterday was my birthday and they went all out without me even knowing about it until I came outside and met them for lunch. There was mud cakes involved with lots of pretty flowers, presents and mock gifts too (like the fact I was give THE WORLD… a 3D puzzle of it that is, cos they couldn’t fit the actual thing into a gift bag ;p). And of course there was the birthday song: sung in obnoxiously LOUD voices (I kid you not: we had people stopping and gawking at us, looking scandalised ^_^).
arisaswordheart went all out and organised most of and brought the cake and all *huggles her* and then she had drawn my card out too with a picture of Wanderer and Melanie from The Host! They both look so pretty! And
kitten_claire showed up just to give me my gift and give me a hug even when she didn’t have to be there since she was away at cross-country all day competing against other schools!
For some strange, unknown reason all the flowers I was given were red… very dark red. And in English my teacher made a reference to me about American Beauty (as in the rose and the film) about how the roses being in full bloom and being a vivid red signified the end of their life, and also the life of the protagonist of the movie… the person who was sitting next to me at this point turned around and whispered in my ear: “she’s trying to KILL YOU!!!!”
Officially a little wary of my English teacher now…
It was one hell out a day! (Especially the hurling bouquets of flowers from all the way across the city ON OVER-CROWED PEAK-HOUR PUBLIC TRANSPORT part…)
narcolepticnemu you still owe me a gift and a huge bribe for forgetting my birthday: so stop trying to kill yourself… or get yourself killed by the parentals when you drop out of the insane uni thing you are doing!
Hope everyone else had a great day too! :D
*goes back to studying aka: fighting the urge to set all her notes alight before the exams*
PS: i think i am going to the Jodi Picoult event after all :D
ETA: According to Hoyts the Aussie release of the Twi movie= 8th of Jan '09 *kills self*
Boxing day i could have lived with... but TWO-THOUSAND AND NINE!?!? ARGH!!!