lazy dot point post

Oct 19, 2007 22:27

> The minute my family decided to go out tonght [i stayed home like a good little girl to 'study'],
marissa_black called... and while i was distracted on the phone a HUGE, UGLY, SCARY, HAIRY spider waltzed into the living room though the balcony door, which was open. Point of the matter: i was a mini heart attack, after which i grabbed the spray to kill it and sprayed like no tomorrow... and then sprayed a little more... and then got the mini vacume-thingy and sucked it into that. And then spent the next 3 hours twitching from paranoia. ;_;

> The latest post of from Stephenie had me in a fits of laughter with tears streaming down my face: "A comic with a bat named Edward and a bird named Bella". Actually thinking about it right now is making me wanna burst out laughing. The idea sounds sooo aburdly out-of-whack.

> My lovely family brough back yummy cheese cake for me!! yay!!! :D

> I still havent finished Daughter of the Forest... x_x BLAME THE BLOODY EXAMS!!!

> i will probably die next week... so if i dont post within the next month you should know that you guys have been a great bunch on friends on LJ.

> Once the exams are over [trials AND SC] i shall shop... and shop a little more and then shop some more. Retail therapy is so much fun. And then i shall get my results for my SC and i will probably die... again.

> Good luck 
wandering_legyon your HSC... i pity you. *hugs* ^_^

> Geography is a cursed and ugly subject!!!! as are Arabic and Maths... and Science... and History... and PDH... HELL, THEY ALL SUCK!!! *sobs*

> I wanna read Deathly Hallows again, but i cant be bothered. And plus i'll have to read all the boring 'nothingness' again. I dont wanna... but i still wanna.

> I have been trying to re-read The Keeping Place for about a month and a half now... i am only like 100 pages in *facedesk* yep, i fail at life. Must. Finish. Before. Fifth. Book. Is. Out!!!

> This post hardly makes any sense to me, so if it makes sense to you then you are very good at reading disturbed people.

> By the looks of it i shall have to end up doing work experience at a local medical centre, cos the hospital dates arent working out with the SC dates :( but i wanted to do it in a hospital!!! *whines*


deathly hallows, books, stephenie meyer, twilight, life, exams

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