So last time I posted anything at all on here...
I posted in a fit of rage last time I was on here and I am pleased to announce that is no longer the state of my life. My summer class (or as I liked to call it the 'Class of Suffereing and Death') has finished! The final week of that was interesting to say the least. I pretty much gave up the ghost. Saddest part of that is I really don't care. I had pretty much given up all hope by the end. I finished and that is really all that matters. However, I am currently facing a new dilemma; I am scheduled and reistered to enter the 3rd year level this fall quarter which is approaching in a bit over a month. I am seriously considering dropping my Japanese minor, and taking all my other classes in order to just FINISH. I suppose I am angry.
I am angry at the summer class.
I am angry at the program.
I am angry at UW for screwing me over.
I am angry I don't have money.
I am angry with myself for not being good enough.
I suppose that I am thinking if I drop the Japanese minor it is because I am not good enough or I have given up. I am not entirely convinced of this myself though. I want to be done with college and live my life. But isn't that everyone? I worry that knowing Japanese is really the only thing that is going to give me some sort of edge in my future, however, minors are really unimportant anyway, right? What is Japanese going to do for me anyway?
So much confusion. So much irritation. I don't know what I am doing quite yet and I can't think of anything I hate more than not knowing something.
In other news, my boss is still crazy. Perhaps growing crazier. The only reason that I am still there is because my job is so flexible to my hours and I love what I do there. Recently I have strongly considered looking elsewhere though. That is really all there is to say about that at the moment.
Ultimately I am alive, and I am just trying to figure out what it is I am doing Autumn Quarter and beyond.
Planning, as usual.