Jul 11, 2012 16:19


So I am incredibly busy, as usual. Currently, I am sitting at a table in a coffee shop dreading going to work in half an hour. I am so tired of my current Japanese professor I could scream. He is crazy. He tests us on material that is not at all familiar and makes it so much more difficult than we can handle at this point. Thank God we are done with him on Thursday and we start with a new Professor. He is a sweet old man but dear God he doesn't know how to teach. At all.
This week I am trying to catch up on sleep. I have been really exhausted recently. Next week I am working all my hours on three days which is bad and good at the same time. During the week I will have more time to myself. :) (Or to study I mean. Time to myself is relative. XD)

In other news I have decided that I am indeed going to pick up the violin when previously mentioned class of hell is over. I am quite excited for that actually. :) Next quarter should also be fun. I am looking forward to everything post August 16th hahahaha!

My parents have already been asking me what I think I am going to do post graduation. Like I know. Isn't that the question we all come to? I feel as though they may be rushing the gun just a little bit. Neither of them graduated college what do they know. Oh well. Who knows, I think I have decided that I'm going to just up and move to London. 
Random post of random finished! <3
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