Mar 04, 2012 09:18
What name do you wish you had?
My parents dithered between Dehlia and Ingrid apparently. Thank god they didn't go for Dehlia as I really do not like that name. I guess I wish they'd used my middle name - Alexandra, as my first name. I like androgenous names like Alex. Ingrid..... well..... for my age group and men's expectations it's false advertising.... I'm not a swedish porn star and I have never liked it as a first name.....
What would I realy like? Lord knows and I guess that's why I have never actually made an effort to change being called Ingrid, although for a while I was known as Alex. I'd just like to be something more normal I think like Jenny or Emma.... Sophie, I've always liked Sophie.... Probably because an ex lover told me I looked like Sophie Dahl, god love him - mind you that was when I was thinner and she was fatter.....
writer's block