Two notes on the use of this Journal ,or site if you will, Alexandermen.
1)For the most part our materials are and have been availkable on the website developed by Mark A Hershberger. however it seems that website
has not been maintained let alone added to and for the moment we would recommend
falling back on this even though the livejournal structure makes it more complicated
to use,
2)we have also archives for TASTE AND SEE. a facebook based site
which expresses that open and creative Eastern Orthodoxy which Father Men also
showed to us. archives of TAS are in two parts at present.
of longer papers, or 'notes' at: and of other notable posts at: often happens the immediate impulse of the sites creation passing it has become
less active however the archives contain items of permanent value.
Scroll down to the entry (listed as in 2007 but the dates are largely for filing sequence not calendar) on the organization of the site and welcome!