Call for solidarity with people's upsurge in Donetsk

May 29, 2014 22:55

Dear friends and comrades,

In hard times, the leftist activists of the world have always been on the vanguard of peoples resistance. Communists and socialists sacrificed their lives in the fight against fascism in Spain and Nazi Germany, against military regimes in Latin America and Asia. We have been known for our commitment, our self-sacrifice and our high moral values!

And now, in our times, the gloom of fascism is looming over Europe once again. Members of the NATO alliance have assisted a criminal oligarch to achieve power in Ukraine. A extreme right, fascist party is part of the government. Pravy Sector and other nazi militias are stepping in the footsteps of Stepan Bandera and terrorizing people all around Ukraine as massacre of Odessa demonstrates.The new illegitimate government has started an all-out brutal war against civil populations, which does not accept its authority. People are being killed systematically and purposefully, blood of the working man is brutally exchanged for profits.

In the eastern regions, the people’s upsurge against went as far that an independent republic was proclaimed as a mean of self defence against the Oligarchic Junta of Kiev. During weeks, mobilized unarmed people succeeded to disarm battalions of regular army. Since a week, the city of Donetsk is besieged and civil neighbourhoods are shelled with mortars. Children and women are being shot by snipers and grenades. Districts are targeted indiscriminately: schools, kindergartens and churches have become targets.

Nothing is sacred and nobody is safe. Military Oligarchic Junta uses all possible means to terrorize local population: people seeking protection in buildings are burned, terrorist groups shoot at passerby drivers and at night “vindication squads” drive through cities and shoot at houses. Every night we lose over 10 civilians.

The population of the Donbass region consists mainly working class people and they have formed self-defence militias. Men and women of all ages stand guard on the streets in front of their houses. They prefer to die on their feet rather than to serve an oligarchy whichever it may be.

People of the Donbass region have expressed their will to nationalize oligarchic property and to live in democratic society.

All this information is being ignored by Western media. The EU and NATO still support a regime that applies fascists methods of terror. We witness now a new level of information warfare with a total control of media and information outlets, mass lies and hypocrisy.

The representatives of Russian and Ukrainian left movements call for solidarity action. The Ukrainian civil war may not only show the true faces and values of all imperialisms, it will also test our ability to act against nationalism and fascism in times of global capitalist crisis.

We invite the representatives of all left parties to unite against the information warfare and to create a strong counter information news stream, which will help to break the information blockade, currently imposed in the west.

We call left and progressive parties of the European Union to unite their efforts to ask a withdrawal of EU and NATO support to the Ukrainian Junta, and to let the people Donbass region of decide by themselves about their future. We hope that common actions will be organised during the next weeks and we are ready to send delegates to a united coordination comitee meeting in Brussels.

Let us fight for the future of humanity, in solidarity with all people around.

No Pasaran!

call issued by Green Socialism/ left network of Russia and Ukraine

upsurge, unite, russia, civil war, socialism, solidarity, donetsk, left, people, ukraine, socialist

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