As of lately, a number of Western countries have taken the role of “doctor pacifier” and an example of “democratization” in a number of sovereign states.
Sometimes an argument of “human rights” may be heard, sometimes a call for humanitarian intervention, sometimes a war against terror.. And yet in most cases, the “democratic cure” proved to work counter productively.
Let us examine the cases:
1. The Yugoslavian invasion left a number of “failed states”, struggling with destroyed economy, without future perspective, massive organized crime, and problems of international recognition. Cases of drug, organ and human trafficking and prostitution are a daily occurrence.
Let us not forget the thousands of displaced civilians suffering from cancerous diseases as a consequence of uranium-depleted bombings of civil neighborhoods.
2. Afghani invasion left the region divided by corrupt murdering warlords and a nesting ground for terrorists. Not forgetting the massive drug/weapons flow from the region. As an interesting fact- the “leader of the terrorists”, the cause for the invasion in the first place, resided in another state.
Additionally, the war had cost billions to the “pacifiers”, enough capital to cover the crisis of 2008 several times over.
3. Iraqi invasion left a former country in a state of anarchy, with several, continuously warring fractions, destabilized region, terrorist training grounds, crime and destroyed economy. The greatest fact, used to start a war: the lie of existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq had never been proven. There were no weapons of mass destruction. Even more, it had been proven that the Western leadership knew all along that there was no proof for WMD, and yet went ahead with the invasion. What remains now is a devastated land, controlled by corrupt military.
4. The Libyan invasion, which occurred on the brink of Libyan governmental victory, destroyed the richest North-African state. Apart from organized crime and self-controlling militias, a lacking government and continuous tribal warfare, mass murder of dark skinned Libyans and destruction of infrastructure, people of Libya have no perspectives for progressive development in the future.
5. We shouldn’t further forget Sudan, Somalia, Egypt and Tunisia- states where “Dr. Peace” tried to promote democracy with deadly consequences. When a military operation fails, then western soldiers can quitly return to their warm homes overseas, arguing which version of the IPAD has better possibilities. The only freedom that remains for the people of a “failed state” is the freedom to choose which type of slow death they and the generations to come would prefer.
Already it is impossible to calculate the millions of lost or destroyed lives as a consequence of the “peaceful acts”…
The experience has proven that western “doctor pacifier” is incompetent, neither able to bring peace nor prosperity. A better suitable name for the western coalition forces would be “dr. Death”.
For what purpose should Syria be attacked if the aggressor is unable to achieve neither peace nor democracy? What should happen if damage is dealt to a legitimate state, without any peaceful purpose?
1. Perhaps we should research the possibility of a Syrian claim to the compensation of suffered damages due to possible bombings and instigation of violence, arming of criminal groups and targeting civil objects?? Such has been done in Nicaragua in the past.
2. What can be done to the leadership of a state, which purposefully invades a foreign sovereign state, without any plans for peace? Perhaps if there existed a form of punishment for international criminal acts, then some would think twice before committing it?
3. NATO was created as a defensive alliance against the Soviet Union, if there is no Soviet Union and there is no need for defense, why do we need NATO?