The US election: vote for Obama!

Nov 02, 2008 11:07

Given the election is coming up here is my stand.

First of all this is no longer an American election; it's a world election. Whatever is decided will determine the fate of the world.

It's time for change; time to reclaim the true American dream. Having just been watching Sean Bean in Sharpe (one of his best roles imho) I recall a line Pat says: the freedom to starve is no freedom at all. That is as true now as it was then. Obama is the only hope for the States and the world at large for finally getting some positive changes. He stands for a modern approach of dialogue, empathy and understanding of the complexity and interconnectivity of world issues. 4 more years of policies of intolerance, fear, war and narrow-mindedness could be the undoing of us all. There will be a point from which there is no retreat. From which the world has been brought to the edge and cannot be pulled back. I fear we're dangerously close to that now. There is need for a calm leader with the insight for change and the courage to follow them through in a country known for opposing social change.

This is perhaps the most important political move in my lifetime; perhaps yours as well. Register to vote (if you can). This is too important an issue to not get involved in.

3 US states will vote on marriage equality: Arizona, Florida and California as well as vote for the presidency. Please vote no to inequality and intolerance. Vote yes to equal rights! Bury the hate and fear and embrace diversity!

So; in conclusion my opinion is clear: please vote for Obama and vote for change and equality!

obama, politics, equal marriage rights

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