(no subject)

Jul 26, 2006 11:33

ok so i havent updated in a few days.. sunday and monday i hadd to work. kinda sucked. but then tuesday made up for it ! first my mom took me and alex into northport cause she had to ggo to work and w/e and we had a lot of fun. there was this threesome of bizarre kids that like kept following us. lol. but yea we rode on the tireswing and tried on thiss sickk tyedye shorts =] soo.
yea after i wanetd to see carly before she left so carly and christy came over.
then at like 7 i had a mandaatory like daffys sales meeting because people stole like a lot of money and we had the greatest loss out of all the stores =[ kinda sucks for me since irun the fitting room but w/e
then my mom drove me to cool beans where i met up with alex chrsity and alysssa. and it was fun i saw al ot of really funny people there.
good day.

today i havee to work but we'll see. =]

Aahah obnoxious photos::

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