Updates, Zombies, Photos, & all that Jazz

Jun 09, 2004 03:02

My My so many things to Discuss... Well I took some snazzy lingerie/Stocking photos today. Not too shabby for taking them myself... Have a look see...

Wanna see more? ... Go Join the yahoo group! haha

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Moving on... So I'm totally going through this HUGE zombie obsession. Ha it's getting really bad, nearly unhealthy. I went to Madge Elaine's (Local costume shoppe) to get some burlesque stuff and Kay (owner) was talking about how her hubbie does special FX makeup, she started listing off all the people he has worked with and she said...none other then...Tom Savini... I nearly died... It was too funny... Next time I'm there, I'm getting a lot of zombie makeup...
Then another time I was in the car driving with my friend Marissa, and I was talking about Jake Weber and how I'm oddly attracted to him and then she was like "Oh look Dawn Of The Dead is playing at the dollar theater"... I turned my head slowly and I was like "Marissa I love you" hahaha...

The other night I watched the orginal "Day Of The Dead"... lol...That movie is Ridiculous... It's so cheesy, I was laughing the entire time... The first scene was strange... but like the scene after that... oh man... That first zombie with the long ass tounge hanging out of his face, hahahahaha... That was the best zombie in the world...Even better then stupid Bub the zombie... He's like a fucking caveman...haha... It's like "Oi lets give a zombie a razor and a novel and see what he does?"...umm NO... Sorry but I would not be trying to teach someone that has the power to kill me with a single bite how to read... I would be focusing on how to umm yeah survive... and having sex with who ever the hell I wanted hahahahaha... Such a whorish thing to say I know but you know you would be doing the same thing in a situation like that haha...

Anyways, yeah so my friend David (My very own zombie king) is driving down this month to visit me and were gonna watch a million zombie movies!! WOO! Then we might go to one of the theme parks here when it rains...so no one is there when we are... haha... I'll update when he's here...

Oh yeah I was uber bored last night and I zombified a really cheap barbie! haha.... It turned out woah ok though... I have her attacking my Bettie Page Barbie in my room haha...

hahaha man I am crazy...

Next order of business...
I set up an ebay thingy for mom. Were selling some stuff... so yeah check it out... I'll be adding more things soon...

I really can't wait to go to Vegas. I've been needing a vacation... I'll be going with Frank (Formally known as Castor) ...so that will be interesting... Were not back together but were trying the friend thing... We'll see how that goes... He really doesn't like my dad haha and were going there for his wedding...So this definately should be interesting hahaha...

THEN!!!! My Tabby FACE is flying back with me to FL!!!! And! She's staying forEVER!!! haha But really she's satying for like a month!!! WOO!! Were gonna have to much fun were gonna EXPLODE like that little bird in Shrek hahaha... That part is like the funniest part in the movie, haha...

Anyways, Tabby and I are gonna do so much! Were gonna go to Rocky Horror and see cute Brenna face dance, Go to capone's, have a million photo shoots, go out to cocoa beach and go vintage shopping... OH speaking of Vintage... Here's a pic of me in my cute 30s style vintage hat I got down there last time I went vintage shopping!!

not too shabby for 10 buckaroos aye? haha

Yowza I sure typed alot... haha oh well... I don't do it often so ENJOY!

Oh yeah I did one of these things...

LJ Barcode

I'm off to Alexa Dreamy Land!!!

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