Mar 06, 2005 10:15
Yesterday i woke up around 11 and ate breakfast and came on the computer. I went to go get the cookies we ordered form my neighbor. Then my neighbor and her friend came over becasue erica had to do there hair for there gymnastics meet, soo we watched Uptown Girls <3 The i just went on the computer and such.. Around 6:50 i took a shower. And at 7 Kerri came over. We hung out and took pictures. We called Michelle and talked to her for alittle and then i made me sumthing for dinner.Haha Peter Pan and Dr. Seuss was on. We decided to watch American Pie soo my sister came down and watched it with us but we fell asleep. We woke up at like 10 o clock to the gayy ass vacuum my mom had to vacuum goshh !! Now were on the computers and such watching t.v and gunna have brekfast soon <3 dont know what were doing today.. well leave a comment xO _ alexx