Disintegration of the USA by c on December 21, 2012? FRS press rent expires

Mar 29, 2012 18:31

The empire of USA faces disintegration threat.
Exact date when this process can begin is known even.

And in it there is no mysticism. In the basis of these conclusions exclusively financial and economic and clan reasons and a condition of elite of North America lie. For this reason Germany and Switzerland can demand from the USA gold return, and all financial world costs on the eve of dumping of dollar cash.

For this reason the USA began long-term destabilization of all Middle East and Maghrib. For this reason in the USA build concentration camp and form a stock of plastic coffins - to distract attention from one very important event which, probably liquidates the USA as the phenomenon of the modern geopolitical world map.

The matter is that as Igor Ignatchenko writes in the article «Fight of the Middle Eastern centers of force», «on December 21, 2012 expires a 99-year chart (rent of the monetary machine) the Federal reserve system (FRS), given to it in 1913 the Congress of the USA.

To prolong rent, on December 21, 2012 FRS it is required not only a majority of votes in the Senate and in the House of Representatives, but also three quarters of voices of legislators of each of 50 states. For anybody not a secret that will make it very not easy, considering an enormous duty and depreciation of the dollar which has not been adhered to gold. Gold certificates which are paid to FRS for printing of dollars, are subject to repayment only gold, but FRS have long ago no gold.

No wonder that the end of a calendar of the Maya is appointed to December 21, 2012. Financial crash of the American dollar will surely lead to the deepest political crisis, and, to leave it, the government of the USA will be ready to resort to an initiation of war or at least to complete destabilization for which to do especially anything and it is not necessary. It is required to correct only terms which draw in - on December 21, 2012».

The American congressman suggests to dethrone FRS

The American congressman Dennis Kucinich suggests the leadership of the USA to exercise the constitutional law and again to start to print money independently, passing FRS.

He declared it in radio station interview «the Voice of Russia».

Kucinich offered the bill which, according to him, will help to create million workplaces in a private sector, will reduce deficiency of the federal budget and will put an end to fiscal deficiency without increase of taxes.

«The bill which «National urgent protection of employment» is called, considers that in America over 10 million jobless people, it created an urgent situation, it is necessary for us, that these people found work. A question - as it to make, especially while the state says that money isn't present», - the congressman notes.

Let's remind that in the United States possibility to print money was returned to the Federal reserve more than hundred years, and at the moment the government of the USA of the money doesn't let out.

Kucinich emphasizes that FRS doesn't use possibility to start up money for development of real economy and creation of workplaces, and only gives of them in charge private banks (in the USA there are no state banks. - Bus comment).

«In 1913 it was made so that the Federal reserve could create and then privatize functions of monetary policy of the USA. As the result, money appeared in hands of private people which quite often affected not the benefit to people. If you privatize gas or oil, oligarchs will get incredible profit at the expense of people or staff. If you privatize money, the monetary power appears in hands of private banks which don't protect interests of society.

I support that the state returned itself the force is a constitutional law which is given to the Federal budget, - and thus invested money in creation of workplaces, restoration of roads, our bridges, systems of water supply, an education system, our colleges, our hospitals», - quotes the congressman

Америка, narodny sobor, издательство Franz Eher Nachfolger

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