9 of May in Germany [ENG]

May 13, 2010 22:38

Original in russian here.

Three days watched transmissions on the German state and commercial information channels, devoted to the Second World War termination in Europe and to the first post-war weeks. There was a lot of reports, both documentary and art ones. The general leitmotif such as Americans - humanists, supporters. Well, they bombed on the areas so it we, Germans, are guilty (and in tv are given scenes of bombardments of English cities). Russian - robbers and tyrants.

Фотография: Getty Images

The theme of Wehrmacht's crimes against civilians of the USSR is absent. The quantity of the dead Soviet people in a zone of the German-Romanian-Finnish occupation is not said. It is informed only on destruction einzatzcommand some ethnic groups (Jews, sinti, rum) and "communistic functionaries" (the term obviously justifying destruction). Mass destruction Soviet captured in German to a captivity it is mentioned, but it is very rare - the corresponding vide is very little (for example, dying of hunger on the naked earth of Red Army men.) .From the events previous the Second World War, caring hands of propagandists cut out everything that can testify to an unseemly role of the West: Hitler's communications with the large capital, the American investments into the Hitlerite heavy industry, the consent to cancellation of the Versailles restrictive articles, concerning arms and a compulsory military service in Germany.
Englishmen and Frenchmen as though learn about each new Hitlerite aggression with amazement and fear. The information on the Munich arrangement sometimes is present, but in strongly castrated kind, without any communication with the subsequent events. There is Chemberlen: "I have brought to you the piece". And there and then the voice-over expresses fear and surprise of Antanty: as so, both Sudetes, and Czechia already in a pocket at it bad Hitler. About Poland and Hungary which is snipping off pieces of Czechoslovakia - nothing, deep silence. The Spanish events it is thrown out, anti Communist International pact also disappears, capture of the Lithuanian Memelsky area by Hitler is rejected also, the Japanese aggression against the USSR and МНР is not mentioned. Who and as interfered with creation of system of collective safety in Europe - a taboo. And suddenly BAAAAAM! The awful killing pact of Molotov-Ribbentrop; and all is looking like Germany didn't had pacts of non-aggression with noone else, only with USSR.
How the Polish heads a week later after the war beginning crapped out and have left huge three-million Polish army without management - again anything. About that "east Poland" actually not Poland - nothing at all. But it is obligatory how Stalin supplies the German car with meal and fuel. And how all incorporated Europe from Sweden to Spain and Turkey supplies with meal, ore and oil the German car - about it no-no! siiiiilence!!!! "Strange war" as said in german tv on the western front is not mentioned, all there begins with heroic defence of the British islands against Goering's planes. From German military campaign on east front the Frost which has prevented a capture of Moscow, plus of Stalingrad are mentioned the general. Stalin protected this city, without reckoning with losses not simple so, but from prestige reasons. In general, according to used terminology, Germany is at war not with the Soviet people, not with the USSR, but only with "dictator Stalin".
Under Stalingrad's theme in the form of seasoning as obligatory mention of improbably tragical destiny of the German captured; here they already in Gulage, near northern pole on Vorkuta, snow, a blizzard, an awful life! It is impossible to live in such bad, bad conditions! The theme of the German captured is summed up so: "Many have not returned ". However no any concrete numbers that nobody has suspected that Russian concerned to captured much more humanly than Germans. From Ostfront (front in east) no more any news, neither blockade of Leningrad, nor Kursk... But on accruing about victories of the western allies, about a fatal Ale-alamejn, about fatal Monte-Kassino, about " broken a Second World War course " disembarkation of allies in Normandy. About Ardenness again nothing. Soviet's are again mentioned only while speak about German refugees from Poland, Czechia and East Prussia. The German population runs only from Red Army, Poles and Czechs here angels, pures and clears as kids. And then suddenly Russians so suddenly appear at Berlin and start to scorch on it from all weapons and take it, without reckoning with losses - are not present to wait while Americans will come and will enter into a cultural European city without any losses.
After taking Berlin, Russian feed poor Berliners badly, lead up to a dystrophy, but stole everything and have a sex with everyone. And here the art teleserial "One woman in Berlin" (the central channel ZDF) is characteristic. Russian are shown not by army, but as a horde. Here not so disgusting NKVD's ppl as at Mikhalkov movie (popular movie here, i t is in nominated in one ceremony somewhere), and all russians are simple animals. Against the thin pale spiritualised German persons these awful Russian muzzles, awful mouths, fat cheeks, grease eyes, disgusting smilies. It is interesting that in a film plays many the Russian actors occupied in modern Russian serials about cops and gangsters [stupid serials here, i hate them coz SO stupid, good police are protect poor ppl, stupid propaganda]. Among crowd of Russian horde's ppl only pair are culturalt. But they, at once it is visible, not tenants - the will finish off by russians as "too clever ones". A horde is ONLY Russian, absolutely no little countries as a part of USSR, except one soldier-Asian, which Russian кличут "hey, Mongol". Russian horde's ppl shoot peace poor Germans directly in the street from weapons, corpses civil all around; horde's ppl drag along the street the German woman to rape, as soon as will find a bed. Horde's ppl are a lot, on each square metre they are, they grin stupidly, they have long hands with which they do not allow to pass any woman. On hands at Russian always several clocks. Horde's ppl, reminding officers, all this disgrace see, but or participate, or shine by stupid smilies. Only Sidikhin it is not happy from all of that, but he instead of arresting the infringer of discipline and to send under tribunal, is simple beat them all till almost death, then releases - the blood splashes, the broken muzzle. In general, Sidihin too the barbarian. Employment Russian have not a lot - to drink, force, be rude with everyone, and to arrange among themselves fights. More shortly, even not a horde, and the armed flight of baboons...
The German propagandno-information mashine is adjusted for a long time by Americans. Adjustment process has ended in 1959 with the interdiction of the communistic ideology which have been not cancelled till now. In the political police, called Department on constitution protection, the experts who have passed remarkable training in Gestapo worked; Germany is not Greece where it is possible to speak about everything free. The idea with megarapes has appeared the brilliant invention of any brain centre Research and Development at the American or English investigation. How still it was possible to pick up Russian barbarians? Well, you will not show to Russian hordes villages, which were burned together with inhabitants, neither gallows, nor pregnant women with the unstitched stomachs, children behind a barbed wire. Russian "barbarians" and animals did not behave as civilised pure angels Germans, Romanians, Hungarians, Balts, Finns and other Europeans. Russian "barbarians" had the tribunals severely punishing for marauding and other military crimes, instead of an outright release from punishments for torture of the peace population, as in wehrmacht. Russian did not put the problems of a gain of vital space. Therefore the theme of mass rapes in the Soviet zone in Germany has blossomed magnificent colour in the western mass-media - now we are all in dirty. And proofs any it is not necessary, enough to tell that in Berlin in 1945 disease level venereal illnesses and abortions has raised. Here it promiscuity of Russian encouraged with a totalitarian mode. And there, where stood dzhi-ah and Tommy in addition with colonial armies, like maroccanishes ppl, all there is final was certainly limited to air kisses and venereologists sat on chairs without work. (The truth about pure west army and rapes u can to learn from the Italian film "Two women")...
Sometimes on Russian Internet is appear compassionate thought that Germans such poor, have got tired to repent. It is not necessary to worry, even at bundeskantslere-anti-fascist Villi Brandt Germany has not apologised behind the the crimes made in Russia. Something is not remembered any apologies from outside the Romanian, Hungarians, Finns and other national democrats, on the contrary, all of them cherish the complex of insult, and in the last time actively boast of the victories on east front.
I think that there will pass some more years and Hitler it will appear on a roadside. Will tell that it in general the agent of People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs and together with Stalin suited the Holocaust, and prevented to be at war to German generals against большевицких hordes, and in general Europe resisted to the Soviet totalitarianism as could.
And what our historians? Our historians were and is for friendship of the people all over the world. And, that the friendship had a good material basis, our historians live on grants from the western organisations, like Polish propaganda special services Institute of national memory. The budget at it, by the way, not sickly, about 80 million dollars, therefore will suffice money and for buying with giblets of our professors, and to pay manufacturing Katyn lie, and even to "expose" an exhibition about crimes wermacht in the USSR which in which-eyelids have organised in Germany on private means. Therefore any claims from our historians to the western friends will not be. And will be only "that will desire", wish us in front or behind? And to us it is not necessary to any national history. And any enemies at us was not. And Russian people never perished in Austro-Hungarian (1914-1918), Polish (1919-1921), German (1941-1945) or Finnish concentration camps (1941-1944), because they are not people at all. And if at us someone was lost, it ourselves of. Here even the director of Istoriko-archival institute RGGU professor Bezborodov does not know that from 26 million victims in the Second World War of the Soviet citizens more than half were not soldiers, and the peace people who have become by victims of invaders (interview in "НГ" from 5/9/2010). And never our historical scientists will go to dig in the western archives, and our president with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs delivery of the coded documents from England, the USA will not demand, France concerning their role in развязывании two world wars and tens bloody local conflicts. But our presidents will repent that we incorrectly were at war and have incorrectly won war, not under instructions from the western partners, and will assign wreaths Mannergejmu. Forgive us, the mister the general that dictator Stalin has not given you killed damned soviets more.

ps. My daughter goes on employment of a judo for children. In German they in view of general feminization joint - together boys and girls. One quite decent German boy has tried to break to it a hand, and has then told: "If you Russian, than i am spit that you will get to hospital". (There were only verbal attacks Earlier, type "hate Russia" - but already in the first class). And thus Germany is the country where political correctness in personal relations is cultivated. It is possible to present that occurs in those countries where politic correct even does not "smell" (as russians said). In general, special thanks to this bitches.

политика, компромат на Германию, Германия

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