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osoroshia April 11 2012, 23:31:10 UTC
Ohgod whyyy


If I'm not 100% broke after the next FJ box I'm working on,
you'll probably see me ordering more.


alexon_charm April 12 2012, 01:00:24 UTC
Sorry. XD I tried staying away from the sites, but like always I caved and there is always something for me to buy. There is just one book that tempted me too much so here I am. >.< Do tell me if there is something you want though~


osoroshia April 12 2012, 01:09:53 UTC

It's for the exact same reasons that I still have this box open. The mochi cushion was going to be the last thing. Then a hairband lot was. Then volume 3 of the manga. Then a book cover. Then mascots. agsdfhdhg.

;u; Anyway, may as well start my search through Tora.
There's one on K-books I've wanted for a while and completely forgot about during the last order.


alexon_charm April 12 2012, 01:24:00 UTC
Oh man I can relate, I am so bad when it comes to saying no. Oh god merch though, recently it has tempted me so much. I mean I gave it up for Doujinshi buying(lol it didn't help in the wallet department anyway just bought more doujin OTL) There was the Bad Friends Trio cover for the miniArtStella book at auction and the temptation to get that was just too much. The only thing that stopped me was that I don't have the mini version so I wouldn't even be able to use it, it was literally the only thing that stopped me though. XD;; Recently there have been a lot of merch for sale on auctions and just UGH WANT even though I can't. I went on a y!japan splurge a while ago and I'm still suffering the results, I think commission was like 5,000 yen alone.

Well I'll be around, I'm organizing the past order in a nice excel sheet right now, as it's easier to track then my composition book. XD;;


osoroshia April 12 2012, 02:34:03 UTC
ohgod. With FJ you'd have to buy 100,000 yen worth of things for commission to hit 5,000...

o___o okay, well, Tora and Kbooks combined I've found that I have 24 tabs open AFTER kicking out the worst ones.
I think this might take a couple days here. xD

Thanks to a dick move by one RPer, I've found I suddenly have no problem whoring Russia around more. D: SO many more books once America and Prussia are allowed back.


alexon_charm April 12 2012, 03:10:14 UTC
That is why I so wish FJ did doujinshi again. I cry at commission rates all the time, especially when you only want one doujinshi and the commission + fees are so much higher than it. DX

LOL welcome to my life right there except it's more like 40+ tabs. This time I was vicious though so only 5 books, hoping it stays that way. o.o;;

Ah rping I miss it so much, but yeah lots of Prussia/Russia out there and I've been dying for some America/Russia doujinshi by エルゴ for the longest time now, but it's usually one of the last to get cut(I will own their doujin someday though, I'm determined). Good luck with your tabs though, I know that can be a painful process.


osoroshia April 12 2012, 03:22:32 UTC
;___; FJ's so stupid for that. They'll get 100% worksafe things, but I've even had them reject R15.
Yet strangely since the ban I've still ended up getting four R18 books through them. At least. I've opened one FJ box to find Ukraine's boobs as the first thing I saw. I didn't even know I'd bought the book.
/o/ As long as the listing doesn't show the rating, it seems to be okay.
But ultimately. Yeah. That's why I need to go through you now. xD

I wish there was that much of Russia. xD

Ergo's kind of bugging me latelyyyy.
I mean. I love their art and all, but. They've been talking about Triple Helical Side R for AGES and dfsgdfhgdfsfds now mention of it's even deleted from their site. ;___; I don't know if it'll ever happennnn.
And while I'm still missing this one, part of me's just. Nope, not until Side R comes out. :I

D: If I weren't so absolutely terrified of hurting my books, I'd scan what I have of theirs for youu.


alexon_charm April 12 2012, 18:17:55 UTC
Sorry my friend showed up yesterday unexpectedly. XD I've heard of that happening but most of what I get says it clearly in the listing. Plus I'm way too much of a paranoid person to try to slip something past them, especially when the majority of what I buy is doujinshi. I'm learning to pay a lot as I go with fandoms, my friend says that I only get more and more expensive fandoms as I go and I agree with her now. The new fandom I'm getting into has even rarer doujinshi(you can only get them at auction, none are at stores) and I like a rare pair to boot. The last one I wanted went up to 2100 yen without anything added on and it was only 25 pages. Just whyy D ( ... )


osoroshia April 12 2012, 19:08:20 UTC
I think Side R started getting mentioned just after Side L came out. So December 2010 or January 2011?
With September or October last year as the release date? I can't really remember.
But I mean. I bought the first one because Tora's listing marked Lithuania/Russia as a second pairing in it. Nothing happened. I bought the second one because there was a Lithuania/Russia scene in the previews. Turned out to be Liet dreaming. Then the series is finally going show it all from Russia's PoV and tie everything up, and the book doesn't happen.

Anyway. fff. I've only managed to cut down to 13 so far. I'll keep working at it. But. xD Any chance you could tell me what the commission discount will be for books under 100 pages?
The order's big enough right now that I've noticed in this case Noppin is actually cheaper...o__o


alexon_charm April 12 2012, 20:07:45 UTC
Oh well it doesn't seem too bad, I had two circles do that and one took 8 months to get it out the other longer but eventually they did, so hopefully. >.<

Oh well if you can get it cheaper making it yourself then you should definitely do that, it's what I usually end up doing in the end because I order a lot too. XD;; I'm not sure what you mean by the discount. Unfortunately the first five one has been filled already, the only other one is the buying more than 10 which drops the commission to 175 yen after those 10 as long as their below the limit. Although you do get a return discount which is 20 yen off per book. ^^ I calculated it for 13 books at 250 and I think Noppin would be slightly cheaper for you assuming you only want books from one store, and shipping via airmail to Canada is the same as it is to the US which I assume should be around the same. If you want you can give me your list and I can calculate with more accuracy the costs, cause it also depends on what the total of the books are and weight etc.


osoroshia April 12 2012, 20:17:12 UTC
... Ah, first 5 total, not per order?


alexon_charm April 12 2012, 20:38:36 UTC
Yeah total, the first order was 10 since it was meant to be a bigger order, but I planned this one to be a smaller one so yeah. The discounts are really just what I cover for people, so I wouldn't be able to do it per order sorry. ^^;;


osoroshia April 12 2012, 21:52:03 UTC

Well, I'll keep working on narrowing my books down and stuff. If for some reason I can't give more up, I may have to try a separate order, but, if I can manage to get to 4 or 5 I'll definitely be right back here. <3
I probably just have to convince myself to kick Prussia back out.
I've only managed to get down to 10 and he's still in 5 of themmm.


alexon_charm April 12 2012, 22:00:21 UTC
Okay no problem just let me know then. ^^

lol yeah there are a lot with him that have lovely art, I tried really hard to get into the ship once because of it, but it just didn't work for me. Good luck either way. ^^


osoroshia April 14 2012, 12:04:03 UTC
xD For me it's almost the opposite. I can stand them if it's not all fluffy cute wuvs and stuff, but it's generally the art that gives me the final push to stay away.

I really am too picky.

Anyway. I'm still going to wait until closer to, to decide for absolute sure. But.
Right now I'm looking at 曖昧メトロノーム, 451 yen, off K-books, then thinking about クレイジーラブロマンス, 1201 yen, and また君に会える, 1500 yen, off Tora.

u__u The last two, their prices are bugging me, but in all fairness your commission's the absolute cheapest on the internet for this small an order. So. I can convince myself it evens out.

But yeah fff still going to have to watch the sites. If any Russia/Liet or anything at all with nyotalia!Belarus pops up, I'll probably be more than ready to give up the ones I've listed, entirely.


alexon_charm April 15 2012, 16:25:21 UTC
I feel the same way with America/Russia don't like fluff in that pair at all, which is ironic considering how much I do like it in pretty much everything else. It's good that your picky though keeps you from buying too much I think, it's helped me out in that department. XD ( ... )


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