It took a day for the police to finally process their desire to speak with me further. But they did, and they did, and this is how it went:
First, I was called out of first period (to those of you who found that something Very Worthy of Giggling at: I hate you). I was then escorted by the police to a conference room, which is, I promise, not how I usually leave classes. We all sat down, one of the officers did something to his radio to show me how professional and exciting he was, and then started The Old Interrogation, with which I assume many of you are already familiar.
First, we talked about The Incident. They were terrifically condescending ("Now, Mr. Pope, I know this sounds ridiculous, but do you think you would be able to swing a cannonball? No? Or even--*giggle*--lift one? NO?") and if I ever need to guarantee my own murder, I will look to their example. Then they asked me about my thoughts of Mr. Roberts, how I was getting along with my peers at Eupheme, if I had any past arrests, and--most notably--if I, say, edited a school newspaper or something of the like.
Surprisingly Enough, I did!
They whipped out a copy of The Dear Times, and told me how unethical and libelous it is to allow disparaging comments about teachers to be made in a school newspaper. They eventually made their way to the fact that I was lurking around the newsroom after midnight on Thursday. They acted very innocent and surprised about the whole thing ("what could you have been doing?") and at one point, I believe, even tattooed "please smack me" on their foreheads.
In conclusion, they've locked the newsroom and taken my key "until things calm down". I am no longer allowed to lurk suspiciously with a legitimate reason, and any subsequent sightings of myself lurking suspiciously will be interpreted as real suspicious lurkings.
Did I mention that they've taken my key?
Because they have.
Then they offered me some friendly advice about the differences in what is appropriate to print in A School Newspaper vs. A Real Newspaper, smiled, patted me on the shoulder, and sent me on my way.
In response to this, I am collecting students with printers. Preferrably fast printers. There is going to be an unscheduled issue, and it is going to be inappropriate by the standards given to me.
And really, if I had any means by which to obstruct justice in this case, I would be obstructing with all my might.
Random Addendum:
To all appearances, Charlotte is avoiding me.