My Internet Christmas List

Dec 18, 2009 20:30

Dear The Internet,

I would like the following things this Christmas:

1. For everyone who writes e-mail to learn how to use smilies. I'm not a huge fan or anything, but they come in seriously handy sometimes. It would just make my life easier.

2. For Facebook to give us a damn dislike button already. They've been changing and updating over and over again and they still haven't given the users the one thing they really want. People on the internet LOVE to be negative...look at FML or TFLN! If I had a dislike button, I would be SO happy.

3. Fos spam regarding "meeting 50+ singles/see pictures of 'active seniors' " and "meet hairy men now" to CEASE. Seriously. That shit is annoying. What list says I'm a senior citizen or that I would have a particular interest in hairy men?? What is this I don't even


Also, the semester was a success. Christmas is proving to be a bitch again. Annnnnd I love the shit out of this movie.

undergrad, internets, college, school

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